
Ohh my wife is the same I don’t think she would ever walk a bridge like this

Mine would, but only if it's not too high and alone 😉

My Wife does not handle heights or wobbly well at all

Well, then you know some places, where you can hide from her ;) lol
A friend of ours is the same. She really does go everywhere, but she does not step on anything higher than a few feet.

Your friend sounds like my wife , and LOL at places to hide

PS my Delivery is in the house but I am in the office and wont get to see it for another few hours yet this afternoon is so going to drag LOL

At least yours is delivered, because mine is still on its way, and there was no update on the tracking page for the whole day 😭 lol

And your probably like me and have bene checking the tracking page pretty often if the weather is OK tomorrow I may bring it in even if only to try th CPL

There was always a tab in my browser open, that I have refreshed once in awhile ;) lol
It's raining here and I hope, the weekend will be fine enough to test the system.

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