
Now do not bringing geography into it and spoiling my high hopes :)

I forgot to mention, that the swallows had air tickets to New Haven (HVN, direct flight) in their beak ;)

That did bring a smile to my face, I may have to swing by the airport and welcome them to htis side of the pond :)

You should do that 😉

Already have it mapped out the best way tot he airport, of course with a stop at a store to get some top quality bird seed and feeders to make sure they feel appropriately welcomed, i do not want to risk they feel offended and unwelcome and decide to return

You are really hard waiting for spring, aren't you? I just came home from a walk at the river reservoir, and it's getting green over there, fresh reed is growing and you can see the first flowers.

I joke around about it a lot but yes I am looking forward to springs visit but it will come when it’s ready the sun is shingling today so all is good 👍😎👍

Joking makes fun, but yes, the winter was long and it's time for a change of the weather. I like to photograph frosty things, but now I prefer green grass and flowers ;)

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