Flower trumpet // Bunga terompet (blingual)

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

halo stemian all
halo steemian semua

today I will introduce trumpet flowers, very beautiful flowers, you may rarely see, because this is not a wildflower. This flower is again blooming in the park, a location in Indonesia. the fragrance of flowers is endless, because thousands of flowers exist in this world. but to plant depending on individual taste.

hari ini saya akan mengenalkan bunga terompet, yang sangat indah bunganya, mungkin jarang anda lihat, karena ini bukan bunga liar. bunga ini lagi mekar ditaman wisata, sebuah lokasi di indonesia. keharuman bunga tiada habis habisnya, karena ribuan macam bunga ada di dunia ini. namun untuk menanam tergantung selera masing masing.







Flowers are not rare flowers and not wild flowers wherever they are, trumpet flowers grow like ornamental flowers, in the yard of the home garden, office yard, and ornamental gardens in the big cities. Breeding is done by stem grafting, stem grafting model, with direct stem cultivation there is no guarantee of growth. in life enjoying the beautiful beauty. Do friends like beautiful flowers in the eyes but hard to pick, although friends will wilt tomorrow, friends must bloom back beautiful spread of affection and love.

Bunga terompet bukan bunga yang langka dan bukan bunga liar dimanapun ada, bunga terompet sudah ditanam sebagai hiasan, taman pekarangan rumah, pekarangan kantor, dan taman hiasan dikota-kota besar. pembibitan dilakukan dengan cangkok batang, model sambung batang, dengan tanam batangnya langsung ini tidak ada jaminan tumbuh. dalam hidup nikmatilah yang indah indah. jadilah teman teman seperti bunga yang indah di pandang namun sukar untuk dipetik, meskipun teman teman akan layu esok, teman teman pasti mekar kembali indah harum semerbak menebar kasih sayang dan cinta.

this photo i use hp oppo A57.thanks for the vote and follow @ jhoni, successful and happy for all.

gambar bunga ini saya abadikan pakai hp oppo A57.
terima kasih yang telah votes dan follow @jhoni, sukses dan bahagia untuk semua.


I never see this flower in gardern i alwasy see this flower in forest or any other place.thjs is not stuble for gardern beacuse only once it glows in one season we need yearly flower in garderns

Beautiful, thank you for sharing.

thank you very much for visiting, @resothiyada, always happy and do not forget to keep health.😊😊😊

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