PHOTOGRAPHY: 9 Gems from Last Year

Welcome to the ancient kings' house. I shot all of these with an iPhone 5 or my old iPad Pro. They were pretty out of date, but the right lighting helped them capture these survivors of the delete button.

Even though this is only nine pictures, most of them are of my favorite place on the planet, Luang Prabang, Laos.

Capetown, South Africa was a good memory. People there all had a great sense of humor and enjoyed my jokes. I got to meet up with an old friend from Korea I hadn't seen since 2007.

When I asked these models for this picture they thought I was going to make it my new Facebook Cover photo. I wish I'd had something better than an iPhone 5 and fixed my tie.

These baby elephants eat around two hundred kilograms of food a day.

The southern islands of Thailand are always fun!

This came out pretty good. Too bad my friend's man purse got jacked thirty seconds after this shot.

Stupas are one of the hardest things to shoot. I walked very far and was sweating like a pig in the hot sun, but it was worth it for this.

And the Winner is...

Not only was Lowcow one of the best dogs, she was one of my best friends ever. I truly believe that when dogs pass, they also pass on the light and stay with us as guardian angels. She was really tough. When we would play fight, she'd run at full power and take me down like a bowling pin. This may not be the best picture photoshooting wise, but it's the winner in my heart.

Thanks for checking out my favorite pictures from last year. I should've done this for New Years, but I just thought of it now. Cheers!

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