
That's true no other face would have fit to Conan the Barbarian ;)

Exactly! His first major movie, I bet that was a national event for everyone to go see that wasn't it? You were just a teenager?

There was no cinema, where I grew up, and these movies came very much later on TV. I think, I was about 20, when I saw this film, and I did not know, that he was Austrian.

Oh! That is not what I thought it would be like at all! lol. I thought the whole country would be watching and supporting him.

Maybe where he lived in Styria the people have been more proud of him and so, but as far as I remember, he has become really very popular in our country when the Terminator movies began, but don't take me for granted.
Of course, when he became the Governor of California he became a Superstar here too 😎

Very interesting sir johannpiber! What is Styria, is that a city?

Styria is a state in Austria, like I am living in Carinthia, the southernmost state. Styria is our neighbor state in the nord and east:

That make perfect sense sir johannpiber, thank you! hey is it big news there when Arnold comes back to visit? It would be like the president of another country coming wouldn't it? Do you guys have any other famous movie stars or is that it?

States of Austria
Austria is a federal republic made up of nine states, known in German as Länder. Since Land is also the German word for "country", the term Bundesländer ("federation states") is often used instead to avoid ambiguity. The Constitution of Austria uses both terms. Even though English "land" is a cognate, the term (Bundes)land is commonly rendered as "state" or "province" by tradition in English writing.

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