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RE: TreeLove and BigMac - #TreeTuesday

in #photography5 years ago

haha! howdy sir johannpiber! Howdy today this fine Sunday, the rain stopped here and the sun is shining, another very bright day but tomorrow it's supposed to rain again so don't get envius just yet.
The price of steem falls? Heaven forbid! lol..yeah everyone would jump ship wouldn't they? It would be you and me. lol. The two smartest or the two dumbest!


Good evening @janton,

the weather here is still gray and wet, and it should stay gray and wet for the next days, they say.

If we should ever be the last two, who believe in the Steem, then I hope, we are the smartest :)

Howdy again sir johannpiber! That reminds me of the American tv show Survivor, have you ever seen that? I don't know if you guys get many American tv shows over there or not.

We get some of these shows here, and we have our own copies of these shows, @janton.
I don't watch such shows very often, mostly by accident, or if my family watches, but normally I try to avoid such unrealistic shows and watch Game of Thrones 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

haha! yes, the reality shows are not real, GOT is much more in the real world! lol.
I've never watched that one but I always wanted to. Someday I'll buy the whole series.
I saw that big petition that they have going, to remake the last season because everyone
hates it! That would be interesting if they did redo it!

I haven't watched the last season yet, because I want to wait for it to be complete, and watch all episodes at once then. So, I cannot say anything, if it is good or not ;)

you're a very bad Game of Thrones fan sir johann. What about the rest of the family? do they watch it? How do you watch it all at once, the whole season? where is that available? did you record them?

I know, I am not such a big fan, but I hate it to wait a week for the next half hour or 45 minutes.
I like to watch all episodes at once, which you should be able to do at Amazon Prime after all episodes have been released. And if not, there are other ways to download the whole series, which I cannot tell here, if you understand ;)
The rest of my family does not watch such movies, apart from my daughter.

Howdy again sir johannpiber! oh I what is wrong with the rest of your family? They can't be normal if they don't like such a show. But then I say that and I;ve never watched it. lol. But I like the looks of the previews.

I heard on the news that they had counselors available to people if they needed support because the series was ending!
I guess some people are so obsessed that they can't handle the thought of not having the show to watch! I'm not sure but I think they said these kinds of people were living in Austria. lol.

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