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RE: Trees and Paths / Bäume und Wege

in #photography5 years ago

haha! you are very welcome, you probably walked miles to get those shots so you deserve it!
What is the agenda for today? no wait, you today is over, it's almost bed time, sorry I forgot for
a second. Now you start another fun week of work tomorrow! But just think, every week you work
you are closer to retirement.


Good morning, @janton :)

You were right, my day was already over when you wrote your comment, and my new working week has already started.
And you are also right, when you say, that every week that I work I am one week closer to retirement. This is what I always say to myself too :)))

Hope you have a nice begin of this week too.

Howdy again sir johannpiber! well alot of people consider Sunday to be the first day of the week and if that's true then the week has started very well. No rain this week so I'll get alot done outside.

We had rain the whole last week, @janton, and this week started with rain also - my week starts on monday.

The weather forecast says, that the weather will get better the next days, so I hope they are right :)))

So what do you do sir johann, when it's raining out and you can't go look for good photography shots, you go to your archives? Do you ever skip days as far as posting?

Hello @janton, I try to post every day one post. If I don't have a chance to make fresh photos, then I still have some older ones, or I shoot some macros inside.

Howdy sir johannpiber! Shoot some macros inside! I didn't know you did that, how interesting. Macros of flowers?

Yes, @janton, I think I'll post a macro of a flower tonight ... or more than one ;)

Howdy again sir johannpiber! oh those macros are interesting! that's a good idea sir.

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