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RE: Snow, Fog and a Tree / Schnee, Nebel und ein Baum

in #photography5 years ago

ahhh..interesting sir johannpiber! So many people here are preppers and expecting the world to turn into a survival of the fittest, kill or be killed type of scenario. Do you have plans in case society collapses?


No, I don't think that many people here prepare for end end-world-scenario or so. I mean, I don't have plans for such a live, although I am watching "The walking Dead" and often think what would be when they come...

haha! start getting the applications for the guns ready! lol...hey where do you see that show? That's been one of our favorites but I think it's gone down hill the last few years. Still though, like you said, it makes one think. What about crossbows, do they allow those there without heavy restrictions?

When you are 18 years old you may purchase crossbows here, but I have never seen anyone carrying one, apart from sports...
The walking Dead was running here on different channels such as Fox Channel and RTL II.

Howdy this fine Thursday sir johannpiber! Ok good, you can purchase a crossbow at 18 years old, that is very good. I would have some of those in case the stuff hits the fan, you just never know. Or in case of a zombie apocalypse! lol.

Oh, so you guys get Fox? Does Austria have it's own tv channels, I'm sure you do..but then you also get from other countries like England and America?

I'm not afraid of Zombies, Jonboy, I have seen 9 series of The walking Dead, so I know how to handle them 😁
Yes, we have a few own channels in Austria as well as we have SAT and Cable TV 😀

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haha! very good sir, about the zombies! lol. So you can get American tv? Do you have any favorite shows besides the Walking Dead? Did you see the Western series The Son? starring Pearce Brosnon.

No, I did not see The Son yet, but I want to, when I have enough time.
Oh, there are quite a few shows I like, but my favorite one is Game of Thrones.

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