Sharing Something Ephemeral Before It's Gone. Story of Global Cooling.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

This morning I woke up and I noticed there is more light in the room than the previous days. I totally forgot that it snowed yesterday and didn't have time to melt in the overnight freezing temperatures.

Beautiful Vancouver! Image courtesy Google

Vancouver does not get much snow. Typically. When I moved here 7 winters ago and one year later we had snow for few days, everyone was over the moon, taking pictures like UFO just landed or something.

Since then things changed though and we get snow last few winters in a row. That's because this planet is cooling. It's slowly but surely entering another ice age, as many scientists (who are not on the payroll of government) tell us. Sorry for the Di Caprio Global warming narrative fans, but it's all BS. A huge one. Another trap to keep us in fear and to tax us on carbon. This planet is cooling and you we will feel more in the coming years. I think that eventually we'll see a massive migration closer to equator as the northern and southern part of earth (closer to each pole) will become colder.

My advice: forget about the global warming. Anything that your government endorses is pretty safe to call a big fat lie. They just cash on it, as on any other threat. Just prepare for the opposite they telling you and you'll be fine.

Well, I'm happy I bought two houses in Belize last year. We might just as well spend winters there. Not that me and @gladysmak don't like snow. Each time we go to Czech for Christmas we hope for snow. But it's different to have snow when you can ski or walk in the forest and sit by the cracking fireplace in the evening sipping wine, in a well insulated and heated house, which Vancouver sorely lacks. These guys don't really build for winter.

Anyways. I loved walking in the snow this morning and since we live on a hill, it was still there, although as soon as I went 8 blocks down to my studio it was already melting in that area. Funny how few meters higher in altitude can make a huge difference on the snow.

I took a few shots with my phone to share it with you. Forgive the quality, I downsized them, but I think it still captures the moment.

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Typical Vancouver house

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I had to capture this old beauty!

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Seagull with Lions mountains in the backdrop

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From now on the pictures are form the roof of my studio

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Looks like the pigeons lost something

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Would it by any chance be their mind?

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Crap I did lose my mind! Oh wait, I found it :)

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Oh well. I think we all did. I mean lost our minds. Or is it the opposite? Are we obsessed by our minds? In that case we better lose it, and come back home - to our hearts!

I hope you liked the pictures from my morning snowy stroll!

Thank you for reading, commenting and upvoting!

Much Love,
follow @jankasparec

View of our balcony from our bedroom and flower that I bought for @gladysmak. That picture is quite romantic isnt' it...minus the rag that my brother left hanging there :)))

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Last night in front of the studio...I took advantage of the snow to decorate my car a little :)



Jan man. Try your February in Africa for once. You'll be looking for a river to sleep in. well, I have never had a snowy experience before, looking forward to how it will be.

The flower is awesome. Am sure she'll love it over. Do you know the name?

Ha ha i know. Even Uganda was hot, but I know it gets hotter. I was in Djibouti for 5 months. It was like 50 celcius at noon, crazy. Still, Belize seemed hotter to me due to humidity. So did Brazilian Amazon.

Amazon in Manaus was by far the hottest/most humid place I've ever stepped foot. Step outside the air-condition hotel and it hits ya like ton of bricks, sweating profusely in mere seconds.

Everything is up and down. When they speak "Global" warming, "Dom" actually means cooling down. Here in Sweden we have one week 40 cm of snow, and next week all the snow will melt away. Time is out of order. And we with it ........

Right on bro, it's all messed up and also due to meddling with HAARP and other shit technologies the Deep State are hiding from us. WE'll be fine though! Free humanity soon!

He is coming soon....

Wow..great story..amazing photography..i like this traveling..i appreciate this life..

i like i love its scenery

We have had rain for a few days here in Ottawa... I think we got your weather. I am very happy with that. I almost moved to Vancouver 2 years ago but even with a $ 20,000 increase in pay I could not afford to buy anything out there.

Probably this time when I go back to Vancouver, snow is still there! Hope spring can come asap😉 love all your pics baby!

lovely photography

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