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RE: Spring in the air, filled with love

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Pretty sure we have these exact toads down here... could be that Dutch traders in South America/Caribbean accidentally took em back home?

Also interesting is that I found that we call octopuses "sea cat" (zeekat") probably from Dutch traders in the region too.


As far as I can tell, these are common toads (Bufo bufo), and native to Europe, but the toads of the world can look very alike.
Not surprised about the zeekat, many words to do with the sea have been exported by the Dutch, like buoy (boei), avast (hou vast), boom (boom), cruise (kruisen), deck (dek), etc. etc. The Dutch and the English often, um, met at sea 8-).

Now that I'm looking at the eyes of the toad it might not be the same critter, ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Heh yes, they met and had an exchange of words while at sea. There's an old song/poem? here about the Barbadian/British fighting off the forces of Dutch Admiral De Ruyters, April 1665..

Before Our Isle thou cam'st with great Bravadoes;
But we had Boars enough in the Barbadoes.
And Men, that made it to thy Teeth appear,
There was no Planting for a Dutch-man there.
And therefore some of Your wild Blood we spill'd,
A Boar is never good till he be kill'd.

Thus Dutch Don Quixot, rambles up and down,
To take more Countries in, and lose his own.

It's like a 17th century diss track!

It is!

"Raid on the Medway" is sufficient response, they weren't that cocky anymore two years later 8-).

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