
Heh... Here I thought we were serious. Shhhh! I am trying to pull together #MarketFriday and I am already tired. Yikes.

I might need to stop fooling around. Pfft. Not.

Stop fooling around ??? Perish the thought !

Serious ?? ! Moi ?? !

Get that Marketfriday done woman !

I know...But fooling around is so much more fun... or maybe just less work? Hmmm.

I know... now I have to stop fooling around too, because I have to go to bed....Booooo..... again.

Can't you just sleep at work like you usually do?

Not tomorrow. The invoices have gone out and it will certainly be a phone HELL day....LOL.... That's right.... I said it !

Even THAT is putting it nicely. ahahahaah..... ugh....

Ohhhh. There will be wine on the doorstep when you get home. Drink two and call me in the morning. That is a miserable day, but, wait!!!! You work on Fridays now??

When did that happen? Your Friday was on Thursday for the longest time!

Ohhhh.... that was usually in the fall when I had saved up all my off days and worked 4 days a week for several months. I've changed that mostly, now when I work 4 days a week for several months in the fall, I take Wednesdays off. That way I only work 2 days at a time before having a day off again....LOL..... only me.

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