About this Lilac Lad 💜

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Today I'm so grateful for some of the family I've made in the past few years.

Perhaps you know the type: friends who develop a connection that (to me anyway) instinctually feels like family.

One example of this in my life are my dear friends S and R, and one day I'm sure I will talk more in depth about the importance these two amazing ( and now married💜) beings have to me - but today I will be talking about their fur child, whom I've gotten to spend the last few months watching every now and again.

His name is Anakin, and he's a Newfoundlander. His temperament and personality are soothing and perfect for this therapy pup in training. I'm overjoyed that I've been able to help raise him.

And yes, I do call him my nephew. I will now not apologize as I share a few of my best photos of him.


Side note: he is a rarer colour, as I understand it, for Newfies called "Lilac", which I adore.


His eyes get me every time 😭💜

I'm glad this occupied my mind as I was travelling to their home. This was a last minute request, as a move they had planned for a month from now was bumped up to the end of this week. It turns out this is the last day for the foreseeable future that I will have him to myself. Not that I won't visit when they move, but the new location is about 2 hours travel for me.

Nevertheless I'm sitting with these themes today. Gratitude, family, and by association, acceptance. Because where a year ago this would have been devastating I am now able to identify the emotions I'm experiencing, and their validity. Especially warming is the knowledge that this is a great next step for them and that visits I have, I will cherish that much more.

Ps: I would be remiss not to let you know he does have an instagram account. You can find him here


wonderful photos!

Thank you kindly!

Looks warm and fuzzy.. my dog has a blog if you want to check it out and follow from Atlantic Canada

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