
This comment reminded me of something from my youth.
I grew up in South Ga USA, where "Chicken Farming" is a big business.
That being; a farmer or land owner would build LOONNGG framework
Structures, similar to green houses but rectangular, covered in semi clear
Plastic, filled with chickens. A dismal existence for the animal.
But the story/similarity is that they were also lit up at night, so the birds wouldn't
Go to sleep; they keep eating, having sex, laying eggs and/or getting fat.

So I'm doing some Mushrooms one night, riding with some friends, and we
Pass one of these smelly things, and I SWEAR it was like I'd never seen one
Before and I thought a UFO had landed.😱
Scared the (Chicken) shit out of me.

LOL - They've got some of those around here too.

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