
This photo is amazing. At first I thought it was a mine shaft but the stairway was too ornate.

Do you ever get up to BC?

Thank you sir! It was a really cool staircase to find. I personally love all the filth.

I haven’t been to BC yet but it’s a trip I want to take within the next year.

These stairs are sooooooooooooooooooo haunting

Aren’t they?! I thought they were rad!

Super cool picture!!

I appreciate it!

Awesome photo!!!!

Thank you very much! :)

Geeez, if those walls could talk! Amazing photo... there's an abandoned asylum not far from where I live... I have seen other's photos and it looks AMAZING but apparently you can run into guards there sometimes. That would freak me out... but seeing photos like this makes me want to!! : )

Right?! I also live 5 minutes away from an abandoned asylum. Its called fairview training center and was shut down by the state if you ever want a good read.

I'll check it out, thanks! The history on these buildings are always interesting!!

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