Tank graveyard near Aachen Germany M41 Walker Bulldog and M 47 Patton

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

The Track: Truppenübungsplatz (military training area) Stolberg-Münsterbusch - Brander Wald

Two weeks ago i decided to explore more history objects near the triangle border Aachen. The Hurtgenwald is near and many battles were fought near Aachen and the sourrounding Eifel. I tracked the route with an GPS tracker and it was a good walk over 9 kilometres.

Inside the nature reserve many collapsed pillboxes and well preserved antitank barriers can be found. It is part of the fromer border Siegfried line (Westwall). Some nice waterways make this place to a nice idyll in the summer. But the autumnal season fits much more to the not so friendly past which rests inside this place.

The Tank: M41 Walker Bulldog

The M41 Walker Bulldog was a light reconnaissance tank. It's weight was about 24 tonnes. It's main gun was a 76mm rifle cannon, which looks rather little in real. It was named after General Walton Walker who was killed in an accident. The Bulldog was americas first light tank which was shipped and used in worldwide service.

M41's barrel (i like the green rust)

Between 1951 and 1954 a total of about 5500 units were produced. It was manufactured by Cadillac.

The tank was shipped to many other countries among them was West Germany as well. It was the first tank adopted by the German Bundeswehr in 1955.

M41 with graphitti

In late 1960s the tank was replaced by much more lighter and better armed tanks it was no good counter against the Soviet tanks to that time anymore. But it was still used in the Vietnam war most of the time in static positions trying to attack some T-54 tanks.

M41 stuck in mire

The Tank M 47 Patton

Not far from the Bulldog three other Pattrons can be found. Some crazy driver drove one so deep into the swamp no one will ever get it out. 20171029_162453.jpg

The M47 Patton was build from 1952 till 1960 with a total number of about 8600 units. It was americas last tank with a bow-mounted machine gun. It was manufactured by the Detroid Arsenal Tank Plant and American Locomotive Co.

With more then 48 tonnes it was the double of the Bulldog. It's main gun had a 90mm calibre. But here at Stolberg all guns were cut at the upper.


The Patton was widely used by many countries especially NATO. But was later replaced by the newer M 48.



The rust knows always the past.


If someone is near i can recommend a visit in every case. Digging out some history pieces.

All images are done by me with an Galaxy S7 (no money till now for a Canon :) )

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