Photography | The beauty and benefits of Widelia

in #photography6 years ago (edited)
Widelia flowers are shrubs plant, which grow wild. Many grow on empty land and near rice fields. However, this plant does not close the possibility of being planted in a garden. Serves as a ground cover, or cover crop equivalent of grass. It needs special care to grow neat and not wild, ie by cutting it periodically and tidied it. The flowers are beautiful, like sunflowers in the form of mini.


Plants named latin Wollastonia biflora (L) This includes long-trunked herbs and twisted. Height of about 30-40 cm, the stem books rooted when touching the ground, the shiny green leaves opposite and the edges sawed. It has a yellow flower, which spreads on each end of the branching.



Initially, widelia is often regarded as a disturbing plant, but now it is often used as an ornamental plant and used as a traditional medicine. Widelia's flowers contain triterpenoid compounds, and its leaf extract is potentially active as an antiplasmodium. The diseases that can be cured include insect bites, cut wounds, pus injuries, swelling, heat or fever, and itching.
Not only that, widelia leaves are brewed like tea is believed to help reduce flu symptoms accompanied by colds. Widelia plant stew can also be used to clean the placenta for women after childbirth. Boiled water stems and leaves can be used for bathing. Bathing using cooking water can remove muscle cramps, rheumatism, bruises, and back pain. In addition, widelia leaves can also help heal disease hepatitis, can launch urination, and digestion.

Click here for more information.





1. Photo : MI4 smartphone camera
2. Source of writing :


This post give us a strong message about the importance of wild plants which usually grow near fields and most of us ignore them, but they contain a lot of benefits. Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much your support

@mukhtarilyas, widelia bunga liar yang sarat manfaatnya saya baru tahu bang @harferri, semua obat ada di sekeliling kita itu semacam apotek hidup , perilaku kita saja maunya yang serba instan. terimakasih untuk berbagi.

Karena dapat gambar akhirmya saya googling buat cari manfaat itu bunga, benar sekali kata mas @mukhtarilyas semua obat ada di sekeliling kita, semacam apotek hidup.

Just beautiful.In a single word awesome.The beauty of nature is flower.It has a power to make the mind fresh.

The yellow photography are the best focusing for anyone

i like flower very much,whats the name of the flower?

How are u..very nice post

Amazing ,,,,lovely photographs

Very nice flower I like it

So sweet ,,,, pic

photography you have snapped with high graphic thanks for sharing such good photos

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