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RE: The Divine Feminine Mother Moon

in #photography6 years ago

Oh, that's too simple.
You can't, not directly without refraction through the air.

If you're viewing from sea level, say an inch or two above the water, you can not see something an inch or two above the water 6 miles away, not where it meets the water anyway.

You'll remember that I mentioned to you in the other thread that I've grown up holidaying by the sea each Summer and still do.

From sailing a sailboard for a few miles out into Port Philip Bay, even from my standing position on the board, the beach disappears well before reaching 6 miles.

That's actually a long way out to sea for a sailboard and I don't even think I even went that far out.

The only way I could find my way back to my launching place was to use the taller buildings further back from the beach as a reference point until I got close enough to shore for it to be visible.

I have also observed many large container ships come in and out of view over the horizon, using binoculars too, and they also demonstrate the curve.

On at least one occasion on a hot but foggy day, and I took a photo but can't find it right now to show you, I witnessed what appeared to be a container ship floating in the sky. The conditions were perfect for that optical illusion.

These are all something you can do too, don't rely on other people's crazy video's full of holes, use your own observations.

I have.

Once again, you have deflected and have not answered the two questions I gave you. That's OK, I know they don't fit into the flat Earth model.

BTW. Sure the government lies about a lot of things, but that's a non sequitur and has nothing to do with our discussion.

You don't need other people to tell you what to think, especially the government (To Govern Mentality), you can simply use your own eyes and brain.

Do some experiments of your own, you'll see the same thing that philosophers and other curious people have seen for millennia.

The Earth is a globe.

Take care.

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