Epic Photoshoot

in #photography7 years ago


Epic Photoshoot

Last Saturday I was at a photo shoot with a couple of my colleagues since we’re finishing the year, our last year together, so we’re making albums as memories. We split into two groups on two different days, and I luckily was scheduled at the same time as the ones that are weirder, the crazy ones.

I think that most people of my age are morons, brainless sheep that can’t think for themselves and have to follow someone else’s orders either if that’s a parent, a priest or a teacher but I’m happy that most I shared the photo shoot session with are open-minded badasses.

Initially, I wasn't planning on posting these pictures here, but since I spent my whole night picking the 50 best for the album, I decided to share a few on Steem mainly that I want to put a face behind this mask more often since many people still think I'm anonymous. Also, I think this is a great way to share more about myself and create stronger bonds with the people I already know so here are my favorite pictures.



To make it more gradually, I'll start by sharing the posts with me and scale up to the group pictures as we move on. I was laughing, smiling in most pictures both because we were cracking up jokes at all times but also because I was feeling freaking fantastic and just had to show it some way.


Looking and feeling like a rockstar. My friend @thethirdeye brought the guitar with him since one of our colleagues thought it would be cool and it proved to be an amazing accessory for the pictures. Even if I might look and feel like a rockstar in that pic, I don't know how to play the guitar or any instrument for that matter, but I am planning to learn in the future since it seems fascinating.




I love this last picture because I wasn't planning on taking it, I was just getting ready to leave and change my clothes, and I grabbed all those accessories to get them inside, and then I realized that I looked freaking epic and decided to get a picture.

Group Pictures


In case you're new and don't know my friends, on the left is @buzlealex and on the right @thethirdeye. I dig a lot both this and the first picture from the article because it was made kind of by surprise. I was waiting for the other people to get their photos done so I decided just to take a break and lay down for a bit and my friends soon joined me, and thankfully our great photographer was on the spot and took a few shots.

Also, here are a few other pictures of the three of us together, creating some epic memories considering that our studies are close to an end and we're soon all going to be free to do whatever the fuck we want.



In case you're wondering what's up with the garlands, the Hawaiian necklace kind of stuff, @thethirdeye got them from a party he attended the night before where he received some for free with some Jager shots.


All the people from that image are Steemians even if @amechi is not posting anymore but I'll try to get her back here, and @dumitrub just joined, and he's still kind of lost.



Some more funny pictures of us because as I said above, we're different, weird if you may, out of the ordinary, outstanding, you get the idea. I was just joking with the photographer about taking pictures on that girl's swing and actually one of us decided to do it and we all soon joined for some group pics.


What kind of in-depth photography post is one that has no girls in it, right? Especially that it's selling so great on Steem and Guy has to get some love, I have to add this one too, at the end of the post to catch your attention, haha.

As final thoughts, it was a fun photoshoot; I bet that we all got some amazing memories and the whole god damn thing with albums and all that fancy stuff it cost us somewhere around $50, the perks of living in a cheap country like Romania.




You have some good lucking and fun loving circle of friends.

Towards the tail end of a study is a great time to have a hell of fun..

And @amechi, is she in anyway connected to Nigeria. That name sounds so Nigerian.

It is great you also know how to have fun outside steemit.

Her username is not her real name, as far as I know, she likes the Japanese culture, and the name is tied to that.

Some fun is always great. ;)

You have a great photo shoot, very cheerful and stylish. A great company of young and active people.

Thank you, they are some epic people for sure. :)

True about the girls. Good you had a couple of them in the mix there. You might even say the girls are what make a rockstar photoshoot. Thinking about this, I'm remembering The Beetles in A Hard Day's Night, the film, with girls, girls, girls. And I remember a shoot featuring Kings of Leon, shortly after their first album. They were going nowhere in the U.S. at that time, until Rolling Stone magazine photos showed the band partying with girls, girls, girls. Of course the band made it big. I dunno, though. It's a different day, and the dudes look cool on camera too.

Yeah, girls, beauty always sells. The rockstars are usually using pictures of girls for social proof; it's a whole lifestyle and rock culture based on that principle. :)

So true. I can think of a bunch of bands that paved their road to the Rock n Roll hall of fame through girl-power, e.g. ZZ Top. Feels like we're entering a new era, when a different type of girl-power is making its mark.

Should I still say that "You are all awesome!" or let's stick to "Dont state the obvious"? 😊... Cool shots, of course, because of the cooler individuals. Now I see your face behind that mask profile. Hahaha.

On the other hand, I do have steemit friends too that are not active anymore, even the one who inspired me to join here. Hopefully, I'll stay here strong and would bring them back.

Thank you, they are some great peeps indeed. I brought quite a few people here but not that many are active anymore, it's pretty sad, so I know what you mean.

Aw! fun times - This is going to last forever for you and your friends... I am so glad that I took lots of photos with my colleagues while I was in college.

I think I have about 200 shots in total; I never took that many pictures of myself in my entire life, lol. They should be some cool memories. :)

hello Guy,
Make sure you have great album cover shots. it looks so much fun. and you are like a real rock star :)
If you are living this spirit, there is no point in playing the guitar!
make sure you give very cool poses!
very entertaining photos. It's so cool when you're on the go.
you can borrow that guitar more often: D

Haha, thank you. I'll probably get a guitar in the future since it seems fascinating to me. :)

Ma mir ca ai reusit sa tii gagicile sa nu sara pe tine decat la sfarsit :))

Looks like a fun time. Its Pretty neat seeing "the face behind the mask." The rock star photo is pretty bad ass.

Cheers mate, I like that pic a lot too. ;)

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