Browse the hypnotic mountain aceh
The summit of the hypnotic mountain
Why one of these mountains in aceh is called hypnotic mountain ...? Answer = because every visitor who comes and climbs the mountain forget the problem, such as debt, promise of love and many other problems nya..can see the natural scenery around the mountain or below that is so natural and beautiful, especially when we photo, really looks wow. He on this occasion me and my friends time to photograph nature and photo self.
The eastern region of the mountain
This view from the eastern side of the mountain, looks beautiful is not, forget the problem is not, we are too spoil the eye to see and enjoy the beauty of the mountain .. Hi @beanz .. if you one day took yourself to aceh ,, we and my friends, friends waiting for your arrival and we can see and go directly to the mountain ,, I really hope someday the mountain becomes a good tourist spot.
The road to the location
The road to the location is a bit challenging comrades, but do not make our step recede, because later it will pay off with the beauty of the mountain and the scenery is very good.
Very perfect for photo prawedding
I personally will never get tired to scour the beautiful places in aceh and historic places .. I like to share experiences and knowledge that I know to others. Hopefully my post this time useful for many people.
I also hope that later on @photography of the world visit the place, because the angle that we are pretty good photo and a lot.
wow......... it's really good work
Terimakasi kawan.. Mohon bimbingan nya.
amezing............ good photoghraphy........ every thing nice
Terimakasih kawan,. Tolong dikoreksi
Luar biasa bg, tempatnya indah.
Terimakasih.. Itu semua karena kalian membawa ketempat yg begitu indah
Begitu memukau guru @gustyphoto
Salam hormat kami kepada master guru @misc..
guruku indah sekali,, ajak saya juga untuk belajar
Boleh bg... Siap kan senjata trus