Hidden Pyramid - Light Painting Camera Rotation

Here is another Camera Rotation Light Painting from my night at the Pyramide Garzau. This time you get to see a little bit more of the actual pyramid. I really love the jungle feeling to it. For this shot i got a model giving my a subtle shadow. The process involved two major steps. First standard horizontal shot, a) giving the Model a kick light, b) lighting the pyramid and the grass in white from the right side, c) shine the blue along the pyramide, d) light up the left side once I ran around to the far left. Then I retund back to where the camera was and and rotate the Camera 90°. Then steps repeat the procedure a,b,c, and d then trigger off. Thank you Done.

The entire single exposure took 177 seconds at ISO 100 with the lens set to F5.6. Now i can only hope that time was well spend and you took at least 10 seconds to look at it and enjoy the creation.
2020_04_12_Pyramid-Garzau-LP (43)-LR-2.jpg

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