I Wiped Out Big Time You Guys! (My ATV Accident + First Broken Bone)😲

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Well, I've got a little bit of an update to share with you guys........I got a boo-boo. Yeah, you know that ATV accident I mentioned the other day? Well it wasn't pretty.

First of all I wanted to give acknowledgement to some of my family members for being awesome enough to help me keep up with my Steemit posts over the past few days. I could never have done it without them. Thankfully I like to have plenty of recipes ready to share ahead of time in case of emergencies like this past weekend was.

I also should give plenty of warning that if you are at all bothered by seeing unpleasant medical sights please do not scroll down as I've shared a few pictures of my injury.

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It started out as a beautiful day of riding 4-wheelers with my father, my sister, and a friend of ours. The weather was spectacular and we spent hours going through mountain roads, very rocky terrain, and even a few sheer cliff drop-offs that could have been bad if you weren't careful (shhh, don't tell my mom!)

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My point is that we did a lot of riding and I had a great time.....until the end. As for the accident itself I wish I could explain how it happened but I'm still trying to figure it out myself. We have no idea how the 4-wheeler landed in the opposite direction of how it was going. I think at the end of the day the cause was that I was going too fast around a corner, and I flipped my 4-wheeler and landed very hard in a roll on palms and knees.

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I don't remember the whole thing but what does stand out in my memory was the fact that I was gasping for breath and everything hurt at once. Oh and a quick insertion here; There happened to be a car full of very good-looking young guys driving by that stopped when they saw me. (Of course that would happen when I was covered in dirt and blood, haha) They very kindly helped my dad lift the 4-wheeler out of the ditch it had landed in.

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When they got me back to the house it was decided that it would be better to take me in to see a doctor that we have connections with. So after a very long, and I must say painful, night we went to Prairie Family Med. You can visit their website >>HERE<< and I highly recommend them if you live in the area. They were amazing. So my total injuries rang in at a whopping number of scratches and abrasions, some brilliantly colored bruises, one wrist sprained, the other broken, and a ripped up knee that needed 34 stitches!

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So if you're wondering how I'm typing this post out, well I've been getting really good at typing one-handed. Oh, and as you might imagine this is going to put a dent in my plans to work at Schweitzer but the good news is that the woman I've been talking with agreed to keep things open until I can work.

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Hey, but at least we got to see the famous bra tree on our ride, lol

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Ouch! Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope your recovery goes well, and quickly!

Thanks @movievertigo. As I told @hanshotfirst, I think it has made me actually focus more on steemit.

hello i am sorry about the crash hope you get well. thanks for the adventure and the pics

Thanks @hotrod! So glad to hear from you.

That is so sweet, I woke up this morning thinking about your kind words @hotrod

Get well soon!!!

Thanks you @rmach, I really appreciate it

Thank goodness that you are doing well and that accident did not stop you from doing what you love. Wish you quick recovery , good health and more luck in life.

I wish you to heal your wounds as soon as possible!

Ahhh, so sweet @yetaras, thanks so much!!

Yikes, well in the end I'm glad the injuries were not worse! I hope and pray for a quick recovery!

ohhh bugger !!
Hope you recover quickly and heal those wounds in no time.
Lots of steemian love!

p.s: great post for a one handed :P

Oh no that sucks about your atv accident. get better soon :) At least you did it have fun thanks for posting

Yes, it was definitely a fun day. Thank you so much @yonny!

Wow, that's bad! Please don't go through all of that again, just to get us some pictures ;-)

I hope you make a quick recovery and feel better soon!

Oh I really hope not to go through that again also. Thank you so much for your support @playfulfoodie

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