Trip to USA: Last Day Excursion

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

My final day in The States began with a hearty breakfast at IHOP. I just had to try pancakes with bacon, drizzled with syrup. Yes, it was good, damn good. I can imagine that after a month or two in America I would easily double in size - the portions are so big yet tasty, and I can easily see why doggy bags are so common. One our appetites were satisfied, we waved goodbye to @SirCork as he had a long drive home. It was great to meet and get to know the real SirCork. My flight back home wasn't until later that afternoon, so it was decided to take a drive along the Roaring Fork Motor Trail, where many old homesteads still litter the deeply forested mountains.

Our first stop was Noah Ogle's farm, where his original cabin still stands.

In front of the cabin, we discovered these beautiful butterflies frolicking in a freshly made puddle.

Rhonda playing explorer

There was the ever-present danger of rain showers that day, so when one struck, we returned to the car and moved on to the next homestead.

It was great to see these old buildings being preserved and, where necessary, repaired sympathetically.

Obviously, these roofs are new but have been constructed in much the same way as the originals had been.

I started to experiment with some of the features of the camera on my Galaxy Note 8, in particular with the focus and blurring of backgrounds and foregrounds. Not all experiments were successful...

Broken Muxxy

Rhonda, Scott, and doggos

It's a shame that the interiors of the building were vandalized with graffiti etched into the ancient wood.

The river flowed near all the properties.

All of the doorframes we quite low down. Yes, I am 6'2" tall, but even so, it was fascinating to see the height difference in a few generations.

This was the Bales' property, and even the pig had his own house.

This excursion was bitter-sweet, knowing that I would soon be making my way to Knoxville Airport ready for my first flight home. It was, however, a great time, getting to know Scott, Rhonda, and Catherine a little bit more.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


GREAT adventure! I just love visiting old homesteads and cabins from days gone by.

I think this is the first time I have seen pictures of you and @rhondak!
Shame on me for not paying closer attention

Also nice that you were able to meet another fellow steemian!

I have lived in the US for almost 50 years and have never eaten at IHOP... is that borderline un-American? LOL

No IHOP? For shame, lol.

This day really was special. Scott and I always make it a point to drive the Roaring Fork trail when we go to Gatlinburg, and the Bales homeplace is my favorite. I can just see them playing, bathing, and washing clothes in that river. I'll bet their neighbors were all so jealous of that spot. :-)

I have a weakness for pecan waffles at "waffle house", I'm glad you experienced IHOP too. That is a beautiful cabin, my (very old) house has some low doorways too.Safe travels!

hope you had some proper bourbon while in the USA. The cover image of the fast food restaurants and cars is apt. It's exactly what rural America looks like, and frankly could be anywhere in the country.

This is a really nice day trip. To bad rain and time prevented us from stopping at more of the old homes.
Also the fellow that built that house was either very short or really liked bumping his head on doorframes.

I love these old cabins. The still have a look of a coziness that just can’t be found everywhere. Glad you visited. Hope you had a great time. 🐓🐓

I had a brilliant time.

Beautiful shots and yes you look like a giant!

Haha, thanks.

Amazing photos... I have always enjoyed all the historical sites here in the United States. Any history marker that I see, I always stop.

I'm a bit of a history buff too.

It looks a Nice place to be.

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