A D.I.Y Step To Fixing Images On Zappl And A Little About My Weekend.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone, how was the weekend. Hope everyone enjoyed their' s like I did. For me over the weekend I was at the mountain top somewhere at the western part of Nigeria in Osun state. This was a pilgrimage with my church and it was massively fun.

It was my first time of going there ever since it started and I totally was impressed and happy at what I saw.

Although I did not take much pictures but I could not miss the wonderful views I was lucky enough to capture. I thought I could share them with you here as well.
I took that from a very far distant on the mountain top.
The house in this photo attracted me, I do not know for how long it has been there but it amazed me how that rock got there and I just had to take a shot. The whole view was wonderful to me.

I regret not taking much but at least I was happy I got this little.

So that on that on my weekend, the second thing is I to show a "DIY" illustration on how to get pictures and videos on zappl post.

This I got from my observation that some people are yet to get how to fix in pictures and videos to make their zapps look dope.

So follow me as we go through this together.

First of all zappl is like a decentralized Twitter on the steemit blockchain having the maximum of 240 characters. You simply earn for making short but wonderful zapps just like you make tweets.

All you simply need to do is sign up with your steemit account details and you're set to zapp on zappl.

It is always wonderful when we use pictures or images to make our posts amazing and interesting too and that is what am about to show you below.

So this is exactly how the zappl platform looks like once you log on to https://zappl.com


So all you need to do is to make your post in the post box.

After you have made your post; just like me you might want to fix in some images to make the post more appealing, understandable and good to relate with. So you click on the circle image beneath the post box and then it takes you to your picture gallery where you might have downloaded the particular image you intend using for the post.

The same goes to video, although I have not tried a video on zappl. you might have made a video about something you want to portray to support your post then you also go beneath the post box.

Then you can go ahead and hit on the "post" box once all images have shown and you are satisfied with what you see.

So that's it basically how to upload pictures and videos on zappl. I hope this was helpful, kindly let me know if this was helpful.

This post was inspired by @zizymena, I hope you find this answer helpful enough to put you through on zappl.

Remember the steemit blockchain has given everyone the opportunity to be versatile. Stay awesome friends.

Thank you for reading


Beautiful pictures @gloglo. That house and that rock amazes me. Anything nature gives me joy. I would be very happy to go have a vacation in a place like that. Nothing beats nature. Glad you had a great weekend. Mine was awesome.

Nothing can beat nature you know, I think that was one of the best place I have been in a long time. You needed to see things for yourself though. Am glad your weekend was awesome too dear friend. I hope we all have a great week ahead too.

Beautiful pictures Glo and wonderful nature. Your post was very enlightening. Thank you for sharing.

Am glad you found it so ma. Hope your weekend was good too.

I was trying to install Zappl on my iphone last night, and it seems AppStore does not yet list it..
You use it on Android mostly?

The first picture reminds of my days in school, when we climb mountains for fun. A very bitter sweet experience..

Really? That was my first time on a mountain and I think I enjoyed it though. I think it reminds you about so many memories, I think I can understand. I hope you had a great weekend.

hopefully his travel fun friends ya .. i will upvote my friends .. and i am very happy if you can visit my blog once

The houses on the hill are what I'm particularly interested in. The building of it might have been quite the challenge. I bet living there would beat residing on flat earth :)

Yes it actually is, cool at night and and have this feel of nature. Peaceful as well.

This whole mountain remind me of ado-ekiti
Every where is full of mountain, i miss those amazing view.

Oh really, I have not been there before. I think I love mountains now, felt really good being there though.

@gloglo, that was a beautiful memory you brought back. I still remember this place vividly well in almost 12 years. And I must say you took the shots well. Why don't you take up capturing nature?.. You know something like an hobby.

Hahah... trust me at that point my love for nature was rekindled, I would be lying if I tell you I didn't consider capturing nature though. I think you should visit there again, 12 years is very long a time. The out time to travel and feel nature at your free time from work, probably a leave or something.

Dear, I really do hope i get over my non-penchant for getting out of my closed space. Going out to see nature has always been a beautiful experience i live on internet tabs. I hope this gets to change, soon. I agree with you 12 years is such a long time. I should visit sometime this year or perhaps make it a date at the next one

Great and wonderful post thanks

Nature is beautiful....
Thanks for educating us on how to use zappl...
Thanks alot

Am glad I did, I hope you find it useful and helpful.

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