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RE: I am enjoying a #sublimesunday

in #photography6 years ago

I put on a show of irritation when one of my girls goes broody, but secretly I kind of like it. It is just entertaining how usually unfriendly chickens will submit to being petted as long as they can stay on top of those eggs. And once booted out, they make crazy squawking noises. Hormones are ugly. I can relate.

Your garden is lovely. I missed growing peas this year. I really enjoy seeing them grow, with their soft color and texture.


I love when they go broody. I was contemplating letting her hatch a clutch, but I already have enough chickens. However, I could just leave she and her sisters eggs under her and then the chicks would be purebred lavender Cochin bantams, and I'm sure there is someone in my area that would love some of them. I like to watch them hatch their own babies, it's always adorable and funny how if you added chicks to the group they'd peck and attack them, but when they hatch them the roosters are so proud and protective of them.

I've never let mine hatch before. I have always assumed my rooster hasn't fertilized them - he acts like a hen, and doesn't appear to be doing his roosterly duties. He is eccentric.

Oh, the lavenders are so lovely! I would love to have some again. I had lavender orpingtons once, but unfortunately they got picked off by predators during the day when they were young--the only time I've ever had that happen. I think they were slow. Sounds like your lavender cochins are more efficient.

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