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RE: Slide Film: Expired and X-processed

in #photography8 years ago

Great images, but I have to disagree with you about cross processing. I think it's a great tool to use for some creative photo-art work. Although you are right about the price. Slide film is not making the same return as negative film is. I still have to send my slide film away, but can develop negatives locally.


Yes, if you know what you want it's a great tool! I meant to experiment first with old expired slide film that's much cheaper, 10 years expired is too much but 2-3 years it's the same if cross processed.
Well, Kodak gave us great news this year, their relaunching Ektachrome (maybe it's old stock?)
And there's this but I never tried it:
There's also Agfa Precisa, tried it once, it seems old Fuji stock.
I see you also like vinyl, film will definitely continue to make a resurgence, new quality vinyl records are much cheaper now than 5-10 years ago, hope it will be the same with film! Aha I also play guitar and drive an slk230 (old one) and wouldn't trade it for a new one if I could!
Cheers! @gentbynature

That's kind of crazy. Are you somehow my long lost twin or something? It's good to hear Kodak are bringing back old film. Bought some Ekta and TX400 today. I'm hoping film will be similar to vinyl in a few years and people will realise how great it is. That would really bring down prices.
It's crazy to hear you drive (almost) the same car. Mine is an SLK350 pre facelift r171. I wouldn't change it for any other SLK either. Generally, the SLK line really top notch though, whichever one you have. Although I agree with you that the latest models just aren't unique enough.

Yes crazy coincidences. The 350? that's insane! Unfortunately my country bases it's taxes (one of them) on engine size, so there are almost no v6's of any kind around here... Good look with the Tri-X

Yeah, the 350 is amazing and the V6 just sounds fantastic. We also have taxes on engine size, but this is Germany, we love our cars. The taxes are actually quite manageable, but the petrol prices are pretty insane.

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