📷 Aquarium Berlin Photography #5: The amazing and rare Arapaima! (English/German)

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

A very special fifth part of my new article series "Aquarium Berlin Photography". In this article I will show you a very rare and interesting fish, called "Arapaima"! The Arapaima has a really amazing head pattern and this fish looks like from another planet. The Arapaima is living in the river amazon and this giant fish is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. It can reach as much as 3 meters.

[German] Ein sehr besonderer fünfter Teil meiner neuen Artikel-Serie "Aquarium Berlin Fotografie". In diesem Artikel möchte ich euch einen sehr seltenen und interessanten Fisch namens "Arapaima" zeigen! Der Arapaima hat ein wirklich unglaubliches Kopfmuster und dieser Fisch sieht aus wie von einem anderen Planeten. Der Arapaima lebt im Amazonas und dieser gigantische Fisch ist eines der größten Süßwasserfische der Welt. Er kann bis zu 3 Meter groß werden.

This was a very lucky shot, because this Arapaima came very close to the pane of glass and I was able to make a clear picture of the unbelievable head pattern in high quality:

[German] Mit dieser Aufnahme hatte ich richtig Glück, weil der Arapaima sehr nah an die Glasscheibe kam und so war es mir möglich eine klares Bild von dem unglaublichen Kopfmuster in hoher Qualität zu machen:

Arapaima 1

It almost looks like Arapaimas have a head of steel. Really amazing animal!

[German] Es sieht fast so aus, als ob Arapaimas einen Kopf aus Stahl haben. Sehr erstaunliche Tiere!

Here are another four photos with the Arapaimas in full length, but because of the movement not in the same quality of the first picture:

[German] Hier sind vier weitere Fotos mit den Arapaimas in voller Länge, aber wegen den Bewegungen nicht in der selben Qualität wie das erste Bild:

Arapaima 2

Arapaima 3



Because of overfishing this beautiful animal is threatened with extinction. 😫

Aufgrund von Überfischung sind diese schönen Tiere vom Aussterben bedroht. 😫

If you want to read more about the Arapaima, here you can find a good wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arapaima

[German] Falls du mehr über den Arapaima lesen möchtest, kannst du hier einen guten Artikel auf Wikipedia finden: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arapaima

Here you can find part 1, 2, 3 and 4 of my "Aquarium Berlin Photography" article series:

[German] Hier findest du Teil 1, 2, 3 und 4 meiner "Aquarium Berlin Fotografie" Artikel-Serie:

1: Aquarium Berlin Photography #1: A beautiful and big mediterranean moray!

2: 📷 Aquarium Berlin Photography #2: Atlantic sturgeon - Acipenser oxyrinchus!

3: 📷 Aquarium Berlin Photography #3: Relaxed sharks!

4: 📷 Aquarium Berlin Photography #4: European catfish and mirror carp!

Have a nice day and hear you in my next article!
[German] Habt einen tollen Tag und wir hören uns in meinem nächsten Artikel!

 Jonas Ahrens


Jonas Ahrens

 photo b87bb98157_zpsw1cujzvw.gif


You mean beautiful :D

That head has amazing detail and texture, thanks for sharing!

Wow! What a giant! It looks like ancient dinosaur:)
Thank you, @future24, for sharing!

Yes it looks really like an ancient dinosaur. Thanks for your thoughts @sonyanka!

In Brazil we call it "Pirarucu", and you can find it free on the Amazonia's rivers. They are not dangerous fish. (;

No they are not dangerous, only very big and impressive. Thank you for the information about the native name in brazil @lordemau! If you see one in nature, try to make a photo please and post it on your blog. I would love to see it. Did you ever saw one while swimming? :D

Sorry, but nowadays i live in Italy and I do not even visited the Amazon rainforest, but some friends told me that when the "Pirarucu" will breathe in the river superfice you can see them. It is very dangerous to swim in the rivers of the Amazon, because there are many dangerous animals in the water like: the famous "piranhas"; eletric fish (capable of producing discharges which vary between 300 and 1,500 volts, sufficient to kill a horse); fish dog ( Pirandirá or "cachorra"); alligators ( Jacaré-açu) these reptiles can exceed six meters long, weighs over 300 kilos; anaconda snake (about 6 meters), etc. There is a carnivorous tiny fish that entering the urethra, or the anus called "Candiru" and eat you alive. Only with surgery you can take it from your body. The Amazon rainforest isn't a joke! (;

Yes I believe it´s really dangerous to swim there...

beautiful photographs congratulations my friend @ future24

Thank you very much @jlufer! This animal is very amazing and the first photo was a really lucky shot.

I can only imagine swimming in a river and then watching an Arapaima glide by you.

This would be funny. :D

I'd love to see one of these magnificent fish.

Yes I´d love to see one in nature too, it´s a very incredible fish.

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