Panadeiro pola vella por un día // Craft Baker for one Day Photography

in #photography7 years ago

Gosto de que os bechos traballen para min e faganme agasallos. Por iso gosto de facer pan, e tamén cervexa.

A pasada sexta, adiquei a xornada a facer pan nun forno fora de uso (que non vello), e que xunto con outras persoas desexamos recuperar.

I like the bugs to work for me and make me happy. That's why I like to make bread, and also beer.

Last Friday, I added the bread maker to make a pan in an oven that was not in use (that is, not hair), and that with other people we desexamos recover.

O día anterior preparei o fermento de masa nai, para ter un prefermento activo a hora de amasar.

The day before, I prepared the yeast dough, to have an active preference at the time of kneading.


Tocou entón de mañán ir a percurar barro para tapar o forno. Alá fun ó camiño do Foxo, onde sabía que existe unha veta útil.

Touched then in teh morning go to cach some mud to cover or oven. I Goes to "Foxo's walk, where he knew there was a useful vein.

Primeiro un café na taberna do barrio xa coa ferramenta preparada. Qué menos!!

First a coffee in the tavern of the neighborhood xa with the prepared tools. What less !!


Un paseo ata a mina de barro, entre pinos e carballos ...

A walk ties to a clay mine, between pines and carballos ... (oak tree)


E por fin o buraco de onde tirar o barro para tapar a porta do forno.

And finally the hole from where to remove the clay to cover the oven door.


Xa no sitio do forno, decatamonos de que a masa medrara demasiado... e debemos cortala.

In the place of the oven, let us decay that the mass would thrive too ... and we must cut it.


Mentras tanto o forno estaba co lume alceso, preparandose para dixerir (ó seu xeito) o pan .

In the meantime the oven was lighted with fire, preparing to cook bread.


Xa co forno quente, quitamos os rescoldos, metemos as bolas e tapamos a porta, sellandoa coa pasta de barro.

With the hot oven, we removed the embers, put the balls in, and covered the door, sealing it with the clay paste.


O aspecto da pasta de barro pode ser asqueroso... non embargantes sale moi ben e deixa as mans moi suaves.

The look of the earthenware paste can be disgusting ... however it is easy cleaning, and leaves the hands smooth.


O pan xa está listo, pero da medo meter a man ahí adentro coa calor que fai...

bread is ready, but the fear of putting his hand in there with the heat that makes ...


E por fin ... este é o resultado... ¡ Esquisito pan de masa nai cocido en forno de leña!!

And finally ... this is the result ... Exquisite bread dough cooked in a wood oven !!


Isto é todo por hoxe.

that's all Folks!!

Imaxes by @Freyman e [Xana da Fervenza)(

Queres facer pan? Queres usar o forno? Compreche aloxamento e compaña? Falanos. Aceptamos Steems e SBD.

Want to make bread? Want to use the oven? Compreche accommodation or company? Contact us. We accept steem coins.

Unha aperta a todas.


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Muito apetitoso! Até salivei aqui :-) Valeu!

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