Famine In Ukraine - Looking Back And Looking Forward


Given my religious faith, it is probably not the most appropriate day for me to be examining the 1932-1933 famine in Soviet Ukraine, known as Holodomor. It would probably be more appropriate for me to wait a couple days until we prepare to fast and seek atonement.

But, here I am at the Holodomor memorial in Kiev. In front of the candle-shaped memorial, is a statue of a girl who is clutching wheat. The Stalin regime made it a crime to keep wheat following harvests on the collectivized farms. Officially, 7-10 million Ukrainians starved to death.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko brought this up during his speech at the UN General Assembly yesterday. I will be discussing that and more in a video in an upcoming post.

As for now, to fellow Jewish folk, שנה טובה ומתוקה


Shanah tovah to you too!

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