Dalia, National Flower of Mexico

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear photography lovers

For today I bring you some beautiful images, corresponding to what is considered the national flower of Mexico, "La Dalia", the photos I took during a trip I made to Colonia Tovar-Venezuela in 2011, and I was really impressed by the beauty of the flower, so I could not resist photographing it.



According to what I was investigating of this majestic flower, it is originally from Central America, specifically from the temperate forests of South and Central Mexico, in fact, apparently the Aztecs cultivated it, and named it 'xicaxochitl', which is derived from the combination of the words "Xicama and Xóchitl", the first word corresponds, to the name of a tuber also of Mexican origin, belonging to the family of legumes, the reference is due to the fact that the Dalia plant is produced by similar bulbs to those of the Jícama, and the word "Xóchitl" means flower, in a few words Xicaxochitl, it is translated as "Flor de Jícama".




The genus Dalia, is part of the botanical family Asteraceas (compound). Its scientific name is Dahlia spp and it was named in that way in honor of the Swedish botanist, Andrés Dahl; Commonly, this plant is known as dahlia, dahlia cactus or pompom dahlia.




The Dahlia is a plant that likes light and air, so it does not survive indoors, that is why for its proper development it is necessary to plant it in a place with lots of light, more, however, it should not be directly exposed to the sun. Its ornamental beauty throughout the history has turned it into a very appreciated flower, getting to turn its cultivation into an object of delight, to the point, that in 1780 the National Society of the Dalia was created in Great Britain, institution that in his moment he appreciated the aesthetic character of this magnificent flower.





Content and photographs of my intellectual property

Previously published in WEKU

Technical Information

TeamPentax camera * istDL
LensPentax 18-55
LightingNatural light
LocationColonia Tovar , Aragua state, Venezuela

Baner Francy WEKU.png

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://materia-oscura.mipropia.com/2019/04/12/dalia-national-flower-of-mexico/


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Bella la flor! Como sigue la cosa por alla?

Hola amiga
Bueno, que te puedo decir, cada día peor, tenemos racionamiento del servicio electrico, se supone que debe seguir un cronocrama oficial para los corte, pero eso no se cumple, nos quitan el servicio, cuando les da la gana, e incluso varias veces al día.

Andamos en un estado de alerta constante, ya no tengo ni horario para dormir, porque apenas llega la luz, sin importar la hora nos levantamos para realizar todas las actividades que dejamos pendiente, 4, 5, 6, 7 ... 15 horas antes, y hay zonas del país que han pasado hasta 5 días continuos sin servicio.

Y lo peor de todo esto, es que el gobierno amenaza que la situación puede tardar en normalizarse hasta mas de un año, lo que me parece totalmente adsurdo.

Pero y pq rayos estan cortando el servicio? En Venezuela hay petroleras, todo practicamente le pertenece al estado... No me digas que el barrigón que tienes por presidente esta haciendo esto pa fastidiarlos a ustedes! Primero que no deja entrar la comida y medicinas que les enviamos y ahora los deja sin luz?! Pero que hp!

Todo es producto de la malversación de los fondos del estado, ellos ahora son millonarios a costa de que todo el dinero que debian invertir, en mantenimiento de la instalaciones, de la empresa petrolera, de las hidroeléctricas, de telefonia, hospitales y pare de contar, fue directo a sus bolsillos. Ahora todo se esta callendo a pedazos y ellos a esta alturas tampoco estan haciendo nada para recuperar las instalaciones, les conviene más tenernos bajo esta situación de caos interminable, esos mal nacidos, son la peor plaga que puede existir sobre la tierra, estan matando a todo un pueblo, de a poco.

Son unos infelices!

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