Furry Portraits (Original Photography)

in #photography6 years ago


It was a long day, today. I'm in Rochester doggy sitting for my parents and Vern, the redbone coonhound mix, decided to vomit on the carpet at 5:00 in the morning. After cleaning that up, I headed off to find coffee...

... and had some coffee companions meet me on the patio!

MM201820180908-EOS_6800.jpgLets call him "Nick."

I hear "Cat-urday" is a thing, so I guess this can be my contribution.

MM201820180908-EOS_6801.jpg"Gah... Where's my coffee?"

Cats are very photogenic. It's almost enough to make me want to have one as a pet.

MM201820180908-EOS_6855.jpgVern, the hound dog

Photographers, Tony and Chelsea Northrup are giving away one new Canon EOS R body in a couple months. You can click this button to enter:


They have a YouTube channel with tips and reviews. Theirs is one of the channels I watch reviews on, in order to keep up-to-date on the current photography technology.

Thank you for taking a look! If you enjoy my work, please click the upvote button. Comments are also greatly appreciated.





Agh, I just about missed this one :) I LOVE Vern, the barfing hound! Thankfully it wasn't the "other" end hehe.

Cats are very photogenic. I can never get a picture of my mom's dogs because those tails never stop moving and they are always running around. Cats are lazy beasts and enjoy sprawling and posing. I like the tan one best. I always like orangish and tan cats.

Dogs are hard, sometimes. Even Vern tends to look away as soon as he sees the camera lens. Bacon and squeaky toys can help, sometimes.

Have you ever seen a toyger? If I ever have a cat, it'll either be one of those or a jet-black mini-panther. The two Rex cats my landlord has are funny looking.

Wonderful cat photos @fotosdenada but I have to say, that one of the dog is truly superb.

Than you — He is a very handsome hound.

Pretty kitties! Who doesn't love pics of animals?? :)

But the puppy is my friend, so he wins the cuteness contest! :-)

@fotosdenada beautiful pictures shot.especially I loved the dog,it looks cute.keep sharing.

cute cats. I love it

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