Bison Babes (Original Photography)

in #photography5 years ago (edited)


The lighting wasn't great, since it was solar noon and direct, harsh sunlight adds a lot of contrast, but the bison calves were right up close and personal. The herd is up to at least five calves, now. Most seem to stick close to their mothers, but these two were sticking together and frolicking in the puddles. Kids...


This one came out beautifully, despite the lighting. She does look a bit surprised, though! She was mostly just milling around and chewing the grass.

Baby Portrait

With these five in the mix, the herd is now around 25 bison in total. This conservation herd is managed by the State of Minnesota, which has two other small herds around the state. They occasionally trade members in order to maintain a healthy gene pool.

Heavy Drinker

Look closely at the previous image and you will see a dot between the eye and the ear. That's the point ofthis baby's horn. Even after a year, it's easy to distinguish the calves from the mature bison by their horns. Yearlings' horns are straighter and shorter, whereas the fully-developed adults have the signature curve to them.

Smily the Bison

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That IS super cute! I had blown up the 1st picture because I could see the spots for horns, I was surprised to see that! Does the mom stick close by or just wait for motorcycles to chase, lol. The things you see when you don't have a video :)

The herd seems to take communal charge of the young, but they do keep going back to their mothers for milk. They'll occasionally go on a rambunctious jaunt, though! The motorcycle guy was an idiot, though. He cut right through the middle of the herd as they were crossing, though, right between calf and mom. She didn't chase him far, but almost put a horn through his girlfriend as they passed.

Wow, they are so lovely and your photos are amazing :) Thank youu for sharing :) Resteemed to my followers :)

Thanks! They are fun to watch :-)

Those Bison Babes are simply adorable @fotosdenada Such wonderful captures especially the one who is looking directly at your camera. (U & R)

Thanks! I think that one was saying "cheese!" or whatever the bison equivalent is.

Perhaps he was saying, "Please......get that camera out of my face?" 😁

I like babies. Even though these guys aren't exactly cuddly they are cute and I am sure fun to watch.

Nice to know of the conservation effort and the success with this herd.

Thanks. It is nice to see them rebuilding the herds, especially after they almost went extinct. There are restrictions on cattle farming nearby just for good measure.

I think your photos came out wonderfully in spite of the light! The little ones look so fuzzy and cute. I want to hug one!

Thanks! I prefer a bit of cloud cover, but nature does what it wants. I wouldn't suggest hugging one, though... lol. I saw a guy on a motorcycle get charged by "Mom" today. It was a close call!

Oh, I know they can't be cuddled. It's not fair, though. They're so cute. Did the mom catch the motorcycle guy?

Posted using Partiko Android

She didn't really give pursuit, after the narrow miss. He was very lucky. I really wish I'd caught that on video, though!

No kidding! I used to live in Jackson Hole Wyoming and there were always stories of tourists trying to get close to the bison and moose. Never ends well. They're pretty fierce for vegetarians!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome shots how cool to see such small ones thanks for sharing ;)

haha! howdy sir fotosdenada! Those are really great shots! were those taken over a fence?

There's a gravel road through the enclosure, so I took them from my Jeep. Almost got to see a motorcyclist get killed, when he decided to drive between a mother and calf while the heard was crossing the road. Too bad I didn't get that on video!

haha! yes or even just shots of that close call! That would have been something, did the mother charge the motorcycle?

They are cool, and cute. Amazing how they can go from small and teddy bear brown and cuddly to the huge, dark behemoths they will be. Their strength has always amazed me. I've never seen a small one before. Thanks for that, and the horn lesson. Never knew that one either. (I saw a huge herd out west, think in the Dakotas? Montana? Can't rembemer. My friends told me to "head on over the hill" to see them, they were "far off". So up I trundled up the hill with my heavy 4x5 camera. Crested the hill, and there were hundreds of them about 30 feet away. I quickly beat feet back to the car, and my smug friends getting a good laugh. What ARE good friends for, but to get you trampled by 78,000 tons of perturbed woolies. It was fun in the end though...) Thanks for the look at the wee ones in the make.

Lol.... 30 feet would be a bit close! If you had a good hiding spot, you could probably pull that off, though. I've been within a couple feet of them in the Jeep, but I wouldn't want to be that close on foot :-)

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