A Matter of Perspective (Original Photograph)

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


This morning, I awoke to a dense fog. I had to be at my office, but grabbed the camera on the way out to capture at least one foggy image. This one was taken from the parking lot at the university as I headed toward campus. The trees are just starting to show a little color.

MM201820181009-EOS_7388.jpgPre-Coffee Fog

At first glance, it looks to be far from level. A closer look at the guy walking, cars, and post across the street show that it's not, thgough! These trees have leaned to the south side of the street, where the sunlight is strongest. If the perspective still seems off, I suggest another cup of coffee.

With any luck, I'll get my Jeep back sometime today or tomorrow. My state park pass is for that vehicle, and I would really like to take some photos of the next foggy morning from the bison enclosure or along the river.

Thank you for taking a look! If you enjoy my work, please click the upvote button. Comments are also greatly appreciated.





Ha, had to chuckle on the name of your photo! Looking forward to you getting your vehicle back and some bison photos!! And thanks for pointing out what is going on with the leaning trees :)

I was hoping to get some photos of phone zombies, but there weren't enough people out and about. But I will get phone zombie photos... ;-)

Beautiful photograph @fotosdenada. Very atmospheric. 😊

Me encantan las fotos de la niebla :) jajaj seguro k en el rio o el parque serán aún más misteriosas y mira, al menos puedes llevar el coche!! Bieeennn! :D jajajaj

jaja sí. El parque se ve precioso con niebla y, como pasa el río por ahí, la niebla puede ser mucho más densa. Sería genial sacar una foto del tren con tanta niebla también. A ver si el tiempo y trabajo me ofrezcan la oportunidad este otoño :-D

Ufff sería increible si! :D jajajj yo no suelo tener la ocasión de fotografiar niebla, pero espero hacer algún día alguna foto memorable con esas condiciones (si es que claro, me levanto temprano!!) jajjajaj

jajaja pues... Cuando vivía en Andalucía, un amigo y yo fuimos al Parque Natural de los Alcornoncales unas veces por la mañana para ver la niebla. Ronda también tiene niebla a veces. El resultado es magia...

Ronda con niebla

wooooowwww! preciosa foto! :) es Ronda, verdad? Nunca he llegado a ir aunque lo tengo entre unos de mis destinos pendientes... supongo que algún verano que baje a Andalucía me acercaré a conocerlo :) Está tomada desde el puente ese tan increible que tienen alli, no? Te imaginas vivir en una de esas casa? jajajaj :D

Sí :-) La tomé desde el famoso Puente Nuevo. Es la misma foto que han hecho miles de millones de personas, pero la niebla así es algo bastante raro. Quería entrar en los baños árabes para sacar unas fotos con niebla, pero estaban cerrados. Otra razón que necesito volver a vivir en la ciudad ¿no? :-D

jajajaj absolutamente! como has podido marcharte de allí sin ir a los baños árabes?! OMG! jajajjaj tienes razon k será una foto típica, pero la niebla la hace única ;) enhorabuena por ese gran disparo!

I love foggy photos! I'm hoping for a few foggy mornings down here along the river, but we haven't had one yet.

I'm hoping for some more foggy mornings or evenings this weekend, but the weather may have other ideas. It was 28º when I woke up this morning!

We only got down to 39 last night. The weather man was calling for much lower temps, but we were lucky.

My aunt, who lives just across the border in northern MI said she got some snow accumulation, already. Yikes! Glad to hear things are still above freezing there!

The TV weatherman just said tonight that we may see snow flurries on Sunday night! I certainly hope he is totally wrong. My best friend lives up in Rhinelander, close to the UP, and I'm astonished at how much snow they get up there!

It's too early! That white stuff has to wait until at least after Halloween!

I agree.. No snow until Christmas sounds perfect to me.

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