
*insert douchey quote on wanting same shower with you in it hahahahha you saw that coming

Hahaha definitely was waiting for that one!

Is... is... that a yes? Can I?

I love how you utilized the natural light! You have such a talent to spot the perfect time to take a photos! Well done @eveuncovered!

Thank you very much! I love working with natural light and I’m always on the lookout for spots that get great natural light, usually it’s in the mornings or late afternoons.

IMG_7518.jpgbath in milk :)

Wow so cute and perfect .I like so much your backless.hmmmmm

Excuse me while I take a cold shower : )

oh yes. look at those shades of beauty. marvellous. keep rocking

This is so beautiful, artistic, sexy and I love it so much!

the picture is very sexy. I wait for a more sexy again..

Mykistävää... Lähenpä lumitöihin miettimään tätä.

Jos mietit tarpeeks lujaa niin ehkä ne lumet sulaa!

Siitä se johtuukin siis! Mutta oikeesti, taas kerran, huikeita kuvia. Ja sinä.

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