Lifestyle Blogger Illusions in a Spa

in #photography6 years ago


You didn’t think I would visit Budapest, the spa capital of the world, and not get a few swimsuit pictures for you guys? Thank you for the best travel partner @escapist for agreeing to take pictures of me. She used my camera, I put the setting in and I post processed the images, so pushing the shutter is as much as I let anyone have control over the pictures of me :D

Like the lifestyle blogger I am, I of course have to look like I’m having the best time evaaaaah, but the reality was quite far from it... I did actually have fun posing because it’s so much easier when someone else, who I trust, is pushing the shutter button, but that was the only good part about the spa visit.

Shoutout to a Finnish swimwear company Halla x Halla for making the first swimsuit I feel sexy in! Like damn, feeling myself so hard while wearing this!



For now, enjoy the pictures, and for my next post, I will tell you the story of our spa experience in Budapest, that shit needs it's own post, it's a long one.


I broke the 5 second rule by staring for more than 5 seconds. Is that similar to the 5 second rule in food that has dropped onto the floor? Where it is okay to still eat it because it was there less than 5 seconds?

I do a half a minute rule because I’m a pig!

I would like to disagree with your last half of sentence :))

Is there a spa in the background?

What where, I didn’t even notice, it just looked like a cool place to get half naked! 😝

The last time I thought so - they tried to arrest me.

I hate when that happens!

very beautiful photography and swimsuit is very nice.

OMG! Your body is amazing. I am glad I discovered you.

Are you thinking of a tattoo with Steem or any other cryptocurrency?

Haha, thanks for the honesty about why you like my blog 😝 When Steem moons and I become a millionaire, yeah sure, I'll tattoo the logo on me 😁

Hehe, I didn't have the chance to read more than 2 of your posts, yet.

I'm pretty sure you've commented to me before 🤔

Good for the health..
How about a good massage after the spa?

Letting strangers touch me, hell to the no!!

God choice 😂

I did not say it would be a He...

He, she, it, no no no!

Oooh sorry for that! It is not mentioned to offend you. Its just that some people find it relaxing to have a massage after a bath.. Thats all, no offense!

very beautiful photography once friends and swimsuit is very nice.

Hello friend, very nice comment. Imrans follow me, thank you very much appreciate it.

hi pretty..i like you

i like you..want to know very anda.apabila allowed for facebook address, so that i can communicate with you.tks

Deep dish baby

the girl is hot ^.^
nice photo shooting, looking forward the story on next!

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