Hot and Cold

in #photography6 years ago


It's warm enough to not wear pants but also a little cold so I opted for a sweater. It's all a matter of choice, and I prefer wearing no pants when ever possible.


I've been lazying around all day, taking looooong naps and charging for the weekend ahead. Socializing always takes a lot of energy from me and tomorrow I'm going dancing and on Saturday we are going to see a burlesque show. Yay, tittiiiees! I'm definitely gonna dress up for the occasion and I hope I have a change to take a couple of pics before we go.




As always, photography and modeling by me.


As the magnet on my fridge says "Home is where the pants aren't."

Great pics as always :)

I think the sweater really suits you.

Hot and HOT !! Have a super weekend!! And I love to see you dressed up as well 😉

I am strong believer in # nopantsfridays (or no pants any day)

Since u feel comfy with what you wearing, thats the most important thing.
Nice photography indeed

Do you take these yourself?

Do you set a timer or have a little button in your hand? I once tried taking photos of myself and it was a fail lol you are so great at this!

I use a remote :) And I've been practicing, a lot :D

Nice black and white mixing ..
Looking so great ...
Grate over all.

Thanks for sharing master

I feel the same way about socializing. I can enjoy conversations with friends, visiting someone or them visiting me. But later I feel very tired and just want to be alone.

I wonder why that is? I become super irritated if I have to socialize a lot and can't have time alone in between.

for me strange exception is watching basketball games. In theory with thousands of people around me I should feel even more exhausted. But instead I feel that every time I go to watch basketball my batteries are recharged.

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