in #photography7 years ago (edited)

A SPECTACULAR YEAR-END PHOTOGRAPHIC CELEBRATION OF “CANADA 150”, all photography by @eric-boucher. (Final Part 3/3)

(Part 3/3) (Links to part 1 & 2)

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2017 is drawing to an end and the world’s eyes either contemplated going or went and experienced first hand Parks Canada gift to the citizens of all denomination in commemoration of Canada’s 150th year since the signature of our Confederation. In return, I think it is time for me to offer you all a photographic celebration of my own. It my deepest and most sincere hope to inspire you all in spending quality time in the heart of the Canadian Rockie Mountains, if not, at least, in the natural wonders near you, to replenish your body and soul. Presented to you here, from south to north, I invite you to journey along with me from Waterton National Park, to Banff, Yoho and Jasper National Park. Furthermore and as a way of underlining the important unbroken system that is being erected as we speak, I will also take the liberty of giving you a glimpse of one of British Columbia’s jewel, a provincial park adjacent to the latter and bring you all the way through Mount Robson Provincial Park, where stands the Monarch of our “Rockies”.

Back in the magnificent summer of 2016, some of you might recall my trip in the Canadian Rockies, as I arrived at the gate readying myself to buy an Annual Pass, the lady at the till, in her Park Canada fashionably recognizable little daily abode, told me that I was getting two years for the price of one! Shaking my head a bit, she knew she had to explain herself a bit more thoroughly and proceeded to let me know that the following year, 2017, would be a special free admittance into all of Parks Canada national park system. Gladly spending nearly CDN$80.00 for it, I moved on, knowing perfectly well that I’d be spending a solid chunk of that summer and the following one here among the majestic mountains, unparalleled wildlife, fresh air, pristine waters and the sounds of natures wonders.

Jasper National Park

Who hasn’t heard of Jasper National Park?!? The name alone brings visions of tall peaks, grizzlies, mountains goat wapitis and emerald rivers. Here’s a few of my favourite views, on locations easily accessible by everyone! Who could tell?!?






















Mount Robson Provincial Park, British Columbia.

The very first time I heard of this park was through my friends who were dreaming of climbing its face, way back in the days… It has been called with names such as “The Eiger of North America” and “The Emperor” and “Cloud Cap Mountain”. For its original inhabitants of the area, Mount Robson was know by the trajectory by which one was to climb it “the Mountain of the Spiral Road”, Yuh-hai-has-kun.

Here are a few of my favourite views along this spiral road up its flanks, past Berg Lake found at the base of its north face and all the way up across the valley… Enjoy this 34 kilometre hike!



























On these last sunset photos, I retire from this "SPECTACULAR YEAR-END PHOTOGRAPHIC CELEBRATION OF “CANADA 150”! I sincerely hope will be inspired to go visit these majestic locations filled of a spirit rarely encountered anywhere else in the world. One of Canada's pride is found among these peaks, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna where the dreams of a natural state is still accessible, by all for all of us to enjoy and for the generation to come to share in this opportunity we all have to fulfill our destiny to preserve for the ones to come we borrow from today. May this feasting of the eyes and soul nourish us all and give us the strength it is endowed with to carry the tradition of values hard won and kept for all generations.

@eric-boucher's photography IMG_5132.jpg

From Vancouver Island, British Columbia, I want to wish you all a very fulfilling Winter Solstice time, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and the likes, be safe with a healthy touch of madness, good courage in the face of all adversities, may the smiles be worn by the beloved ones surrounding you, for peaceful and joyful harmonies in your homes and surrounding to be found and thrive on!


What an incredibly beautiful place and wonderful photos! Thank you for sharing. It never ceases to amaze me how many unique and beautiful places there are in the world.

Totally agreed, this is one more of these magical places, a paramount as some would say! Thanks a lot for the very kind message, they such blessings to be able to and have the opportunity to share these with you all on Steemit.com, my pleasure really.

Namaste :)

Yes, I am so glad you appreciate the opportunity to go to such places. We get out sometimes but not nearly as much as I would like.

May this be an incentive for you and your beloved ones then! Namaste :)

Happy New Year @eric-boucher!

Wishing you peace, prosperity, and love :)

Thank you so very much for your kind words, warm heart and I do return the love your way with a giant smile, a hug and, as always....


Magnificent article. Although I already read a lot of text in the first and second parts, the photo does not allow me to tear my eyes from them until the end of the viewing. After all the parts of this article, I really want to visit these parks of Canada. Who knows, maybe in a dozen years I will also photograph these beautiful mountains. Good luck to you and good.

Великолепная статья. Хотя много текста я уже прочел в первой и второй части, фото не разрешает оторвать от них взгляда до конца просмотра. После всех частей этой статьи я очень хочу посетить эти парки Канады. Кто знает, возможно, через десяток лет я также буду фотографировать эти прекрасные горы. Удачи Вам и добра.

Much blessing to you and your loved ones in this time of holidays! Thanks a lot for this warm hearted message, once more, and I wish for you to be able to come over and enjoy these mountains as sooon as life permits you to do so.

Namaste :)

wow soo beautiful @eric-boucher ...from thr start of Jasper National Park to the end my mouth was opened through out @eric-boucher
Its a great place to visit and all credit to you @eric-boucher for these great and mouth watery photos! You are very gifted. Merry christmas to you too and a happy new year to you too @eric-boucher!!!

Thank you so very much for such a scrumptious and lavish comment, as well as the good season's wishes! It makes me so happy to read that someone appreciates the photography and, when I write, what has been written. I sure wish you to be able to visit the Canadian Rockies one day, the are a splendour to behold in one's mind, magistral to the eyes.

Namaste :)

You deserve it bro @eric-boucher ... You have a very good handy work @eric-boucher ...I will surely visit soon bro
Wow what a beautiful place!!!

hello bro @eric-boucher ...Hope all is well bro? please how do I find you on discord??? My username is kofpato

Hope to hear from you soon bro @eric-boucher!!! :)

I go by the name of RAINBOWPORTAL, if you are interested in having a chat... :) Talk to you soon, namaste :)

bro please i need your four digit tag to unable me search for you @eric-boucher

I really don't know what you are referring to?!? Sorry...

Hello @eric-boucher sir i am the biggest fan of your work and its my dream to work like you and i hope that you will bring us the most amazing work of yours :)

I have also commented on some of your posts but you didn't gave me response but i will try again and again so that i can learn some thing from you :)

There is some of my work on portraits and it will be honor for me if you check this portrait. i hope you will give a good feed back to me thanks a lot.

Click This Link to see my post

Wowww I NEED to go to Canada!! This is spectacular! It's not more 'if' but 'when'

Wow!! Eric, very beautiful and simply amazing pictures!!! Merry Christmas and Happy new year!!

@kerkyra, what a pleasure to read your kind and warm hearted message! It is with much gratitude and fond memories that I will return the reply with a giant THANK YOU and a Happy New Year for you and all the beloved ones!

Namaste :)

Are all of these real? I've never seen such beautiful places before! 👍👍👍

They are all more than real! I tried to give them justice by making sure that what saw on my screen is as close to what I saw as it is humanly possible. I sure wish for you to be able to go there one day, they are breath taking and you are surrounded by it for hours!

Thanks a lot for the beautiful comment, namaste :)

Your photography is very good. In which you spent a lot on travel. your place is very beautiful. Friends, you continue to enjoy the journey. Have a good day

Thanks a lot @ahlawat! Safe journeying to you and your beloveds as well, namaste :)

@erci-boucher WoW...awesome. The rainbow one is amazing :) I'm hooked lol Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing. - @splendorhub

@splendorhub, I am so happy to know you are hooked! Much gratitude for your kind words from the heart, the holiday wish and it is my pleasure and countless blessings that allows me to share this all with such pleasure.

Namaste :)

Thank you for the sweet comment :)

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