
Ohh yes indeed and since I was the one who got us first into VTC here I can yet again only blame myself
But these ones are fir the most part quick and easy and often fun catching up with friends in the field
Far easier than mission visits 👍😎


but the missions visits were always interesting and mostly fun trips, but not travelling is good for me these days

The good part to that is you have so many awesome memories to look back on!

Exactly, I was connected tot he first VTC 30 Minutes early this morning and was chatting with some of the field guys about past adventures was such fun

None of you will ever forget those times, ever. I hope you have alternate ways to locate these people after you leave. I know sometimes we don't think of that early enough, but, it is one of the reasons I had Vonage since they were introduced and never changed my phone number even when I moved.

Did you know you could plug in over in Europe and just use the Vonage as a local phone to the States? Now it doesn't matter, but years ago?? It was a money saver!

Savor those memories.

Ohh yes I used similar back then as well to call NZ a lot cheaper than local options
and yes we have a couple of online groups where we keep in contact :)

Where would we be without our online groups? Oh, yeah... snail mail again.

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