
Hey thanks for reading and I am glad you liked it!
I am happy to share a little bit about the symbolism I used and the intended meanings.
Escaping The prison of fear

  • The lines on my shirt sybolise that I am a prisoner (like a classic prison uniform)
  • The lines in the backgroun represent my prison
  • I use the black string to represent negative emotions in this case fear and anxiety
  • Often I will include stripes and lines to represent tension and anxiety

In my past when I was in a violent relationship I was not allowed to do anything; I wasn't allowed to have friends, go out (unless accompanied or to buy him alcohol, drugs or food). I was not permitted use the toilet (without permission), listen to any music he didn't like ( I could make the list of my restrictions in this situation go for pages). So I was very much literally a prisoner. It was also that my thoughts if out spoken were always put down, challenges or dismantled. So I was a prisoner in my mind. Now away from this situation I struggle with memories, battle constantly with my confidence and spend a lot of time feeling incredibly anxious and fearful. So Pulling the black string from my mouth is intended to be a symbol of that struggle. I am trying to battle these negative emotions and draw them out of my mind.

Calling my Brain

  • The phone represents my childhood and my past in general
  • The suitcase symbolises my brain
  • Often when I use a white backdrop it's intended to symbolise something about my head space

This one is a bit tricky to explain but Ill try. It shows that I struggle to hold everything together but the person on the other side of the phone thinks I am fine (remember the person on the other end of the phone is my brain). My brain is emptying its contents on the ground and has become empty, I struggle to remember things short term, but I remember the torment of my past which is my bagage. Over all its meant to show that I am constantly carrying this useless baggage everywhere I go and show how I struggle to hold it all together in my mind. Im in a vicious cycle of telling my brain everything is ok when its not forgetting that my brain knows its not because it is me. (like I said this ones a bit tricky to explain)

Am I ready to face another day?

  • The dark backdrop and the bright sunlight creating a spotlight effect represent a stage

The stage is the stage of life and I am the actor.
I wake up I have a shower, I look at the sun beaming in so gladly and despite the beauty of the day I think I don't know if I can face another day. My expression is scornful. It is almost as though I am angry that the day is so beautiful, how dare the day be so beautiful when I am so scared and feel so pitiful and blue. I am looking at the viewer trying to show how I really feel at that moment I am telling them a story that is also true to them, that is a very human story that perhaps sometimes all we would all like to retreat to the back of the stage and into the darkness.

I hope these explanations were interesting to you and you enjoyed reading them. It is nice to have interest in my articles. I am sorry it took a while for the reply but I wanted to take the time to answer thoughtfully and respectfully. peace and love

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