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RE: Hello from Ventura Beach, California!

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

uaaghh, was my first thought. Your avatar doesn't prepare for the real thing. But don't worry, here's some sunshine at the end of the tunnel: Your kids go after your wife;-)

PS: Aren't you afraid of showing so much of you and your family considering that your net-worth in Steem is so high. I mean, it's fairly easy to find out where you live., pay you a visit (or maybe your kids..) and it is even easier to steal all the $$ from your account.

The more Steemit has success and the higher Steem goes, the more creeps it will attract and then they see you and... If I was you, I would be a bit more careful although it's a pity of course. Maybe, I'll write a post addressing this issue. This might become a big issue for a lot of Steemians.


So... you're saying I'm ugly? heheh.

Yes, it is fairly easy to find out where anyone is. Whether or not I post about it, doesn't change that. What holds society together isn't just privacy, it's individuals cooperating for mutual gain instead of primitive competition. The nice thing about the STEEM and BTS blockchains is everything is visible. If someone tried to steal from me, how would they get away with it? Everything is public on the blockchain.

As to my net worth, as it increases, I will have to take additional statistically-reasonable precautions to protect myself and my family, just like most rich people do. They don't rely on police but instead have their own private security measures in place to prevent crime before it happens instead of responding to it after the fact.

No, you are a beautiful snowflake of course. You have some facial symmetry;-)

What I am implying is that it is much easier for a robber to get to your 200k in Steem than to your 200k in stocks. As soon as the SP is powered down and marketed into BTC it is gone into complete anonymity (like it happened to the content of several accounts that got stolen). I think this might contribute to real life robbery schemes. And even if you account stays at this value or gets cut in half by reality, you are still a prime target. People kill for far less than that. Do you already have precautions made? My guess is no.

I know it seems a bit off, but with cryptos being such an extreme liquid and elusive asset compared to most others that are targeted traditionally in robberies, this gets me thinking (not that my account would be of any mentionable value^^). There is a chance that already at this evaluation, Steemians are an ideal target for criminals, but can you imagine @sweetsssj dining in a fancy restaurant with a bodyguard by her side?

can you imagine @sweetsssj dining in a fancy restaurant with a bodyguard by her side?

Yes, I certainly can. That's what rich people do. If she gets to that level, and it becomes a statistically relevant thing to do, she should.

As soon as the SP is powered down

So far, I have never powered down. Also, BTC isn't anonymous. Criminals have already been prosecuted because of the trail they leave on the blockchain. Clearly, if I or my family was harmed and anything happened to my Steemit account, that would be a clear path of evidence for people to follow which may lead to apprehending the criminal.

I think this might contribute to real life robbery schemes.

At what frequency? Statistically speaking, how likely do you think this is for a given account worth, say, over $100k?

Based on the statistics you envision, what precautions do you think are rational?

What I won't do is act in fear. Much of the mainstream media and government news today makes its money off selling fear. They use statistically irrational and irrelevant events to get whole groups of people to make irrational, fear-based decisions. I refuse to be a part of that.

At what frequency? Statistically speaking, how likely do you think this is for a given account worth, say, over $100k?

This depends on the given parameters that include:

  1. degree of publicity by the user
  2. reliable access to the person (-> routines to break into)
  3. the actual speed and tracelessness of removing crypto
  4. opportunity costs like how simple it is to steal a rolex and market that
  5. knowledge of criminals about Steemit, crypto markets and their functionality
  6. the overal criminal market (number of ppl within borders per criminals among the population)
  7. the desperation of criminals (classic criminals, jealous friends and aquaintances or even terrorists in need for funding)
  • (1) and (2) are a given for > 1k users and I would say at least two dozen whales (you, @jerrybanfield, @surfermarly, @exyle and his mom @clio etc. and all of the participants of the Steem Fest)
  • (3) and (4) is what I claim to be the case and a novelty; it's the main part of my argument
  • (5) and (6) are statistical questions: 1 in 1,000 is a criminal who goes extreme if necessary; 1 in 50 has enough knowledge about the crypto sphere => 1 in 50,000 is a crypto thief prepared to make house calls and according to @arcange, Steemit has around 40k users => There probably is already a user spying on you here on Steemit (maybe he even tries to befriend you and give you his scenario;-) and the US and EU are both big enough markets which also have giant holes in their border fences...
  • (7) there's plenty of crazy people out there. All they need is the occasion of someone not being as vigilant as his situation demands him to be.

You're right that impulsive action is wrong, but I think the numbers give it away that there is a rational base to act and that's why my bottom line is: You and maybe 30-100 users are already in the red zone. Vigilance is important when it comes to disclosing too much about the personal life, names, faces, places, dates and so on.


Just look at the wallet of @sweetsssj: It's 350k $ worth right now and she seems to have a 2nd account from which she delegates another 750k SP to the 1st account, which makes it a total of some 3 million$ - and she's like 1,50m tall.

@doodlebear. I am very interested in your comments about security and the blockchain visibilty. Please do write a post addressing this isssue. You can see why it is a concern to me. Big upvote from me for an extremely pertinent comment.

Thanks a lot! I will write something. No promise that it's going to be worth the upvote;-)

Hey, I did it. You can find the article here.

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