
In Italy we say rainy day it's a lucky day!

I think the same, the rainy days are beautiful

Yes, it is.

A little water does not hurt anyone, thank God nothing happened.

A little water
Does not hurt anyone, thank
God nothing happened.

                 - mastermagician

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

what a surprise i just made a haiku from commenting. thank you.

You do not have to carry an umbrella, you must always carry a boat to get out of that lagoon that forms there Mr @dobartim. Greetings.

Be safe out there.
Just like South Florida, it's been raining for days now.
Keep on postin'

Now everything is ok

Sir @dobartim, oh no! This is such a serious storm. Was it forecasted before it happened?

So sorry about it. But thanks to God you survived. Please, take care sir.

One family.

Thank you, everything is ok now

@dobartim, so good to know sir.

thank God..u survived and took the lunch as dinner ? :D nice post

Whoa, that is a storm. I'm a bit behind with everyone, where are you? Someplace wet no doubt. Stay dry and have a drink.

wow what a storm. glad you are safe. stay warm!!!

This year is really awesome in terms of weather conditions. Too early too hot, too many storms, thunders and floods. Heard that fished are also dying in Hamburg at the moment, normally it happens later in a year. But "normally" does not have a relevant meaning nowadays.

Beautiful storm :)

Nothing like a good storm with flood to set things into perspective!

Incredible storm

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