High Sierra Trips - The High Sierra Trail

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


We headed up to the Giant Forest to backpack across Sequoia National Park from west to east via the High Sierra Trail. We planned this as a 10 day backpacking trip. The High Sierra Trail leads from Crescent Meadow in the Giant forest up the canyon of the Middle Fork of the Kaweah River, crossing the Great Western Divide over the 10,700' Kaweah Gap. It then descends into Big Arroyo canyon and climbs up to the Chagoopa Plateau. Then it drops down again into the Kern River Canyon. It heads north up the bottom of the Kern Canyon, then turns east, climbing parallel to Wallace Creek up to the junction where it joins the John Muir Trail to the summit of Mount Whitney(14,505') the highest summit in the Sierra Nevada. Then it descends the mountain via the Mt. Whiney trail to the end at the Whitney portal.

577040_476285529069257_1695291705_n.jpg A doe resting in the Giant Forest

We drove up to Sequoia the day before we planned on starting our trip so we could be sure to get our permit. We got up there pretty early and got a campsite at the Potwisha camp. Then we headed up to Lodgepole and got our permit at the ranger station. We still had lots of time so we checked out some stuff in the Giant forest including the General Sherman tree(the largest Sequoia tree), and we climbed up the huge granite dome called Moro rock. It's the touristy stuff, but it was fun to do before our big journey.

Staring out from the Giant forest

Day 1 -
The next morning we started out from the trailhead at Crescent meadow. There were lots of deer wondering around the Giant Forest and the huge Sequoias were incredible. We got out of the forest and followed along the trail high on the side of the mountain with the Kaweah river thousands of feet below. The huge views of Castle rocks, Moro Rock, Blue dome Sugarbowl dome and the Great Western divide were awesome. We crossed Panther creek and Mehrten creek and eventually got to 9 mile creek where we decided to make camp. There was a great campsite and the creek was flowing good. After making camp I explored upstream a bit and there were some nice pools to get in and cool off after hiking all day. Then I got up to a big smooth granite wall where the water was pouring over and at the bottom there was a dead, and half rotted coyote carcass. I'm guessing he tried to cross above the falls and it didn't work out so well. Needless to say we were concerned about the water quality after that, but nobody ended up with any ill effects that I know of. We made our dinners and as light faded we had more deer encounters. Those things are just to cute.

224541_476285812402562_883758001_n.jpg The High Sierra Trail with Castle rocks in the background

225933_476286035735873_1066912279_n.jpg Blue dome, Sugarbowl dome, and the Great Western Divide

548544_476286129069197_1165896153_n.jpg Top of the falls at 9 mile aka Dead Coyote creek

602395_476286179069192_852981793_n.jpg Mule deer near our camp

Day 2 -
The next day we hiked down to Buck creek and then up over Bearpaw meadows then back down to Lone Pine creek and then up again to Hamilton lake. Lots of ups and downs, but the trail is very well maintained and the milage for the day was low. Our only major issue was a hornet's nest along the trail that required a quick yet cautious passing. Luckily no one got stung. The views over River valley, up at the Hamilton towers, the Valhalla, and ultimately at Hamilton lake where we made camp, where breathtaking! It is possibly the most impressive area in the High Sierra that I have ever seen in all my travels up there. We got to Hamilton lake and setup our camp with plenty of light to spare so I jumped in the lake to cool off then headed out around the lake to have a little fun trout fishing. I did catch a few small rainbow trout, but nothing super exciting. Then we had our dinner and headed off to the tents for the second night on the trail.

643983_476286795735797_623003498_n.jpg Bearpaw meadow camp

285628_476286879069122_808528123_n.jpg Castle Rocks from Bearpaw meadow

420418_476287005735776_346808940_n.jpg High Sierra Trail

404615_476287095735767_756808768_n.jpg Crossing the bridge at Lone Pine creek

425821_476287112402432_1820250327_n-1.jpg Overlooking River Valley

The Hamilton Towers

Hamilton lake

485837_476287732402370_1929898441_n.jpg Cheribum Dome from Hamilton lake

403979_476287749069035_721438755_n.jpg Cotton candy clouds and the silhouette of Valhalla

Day 3 -
The next morning we packed up camp and headed up the switchbacks, climbing up and traversing high above Hamilton lake. The views overlooking the lake, the Valhalla, River valley, and even all the way back out to Moro rock and Castle rocks were awesome! Then we got up to Precipice lake. The most beautiful blue lake with the sheer jagged cliffs of Eagle Scout peak rising vertically behind it make it quite spectacular. I had to jump in to those blue waters no matter how cold it was. (It was cold!) Not far beyond that we got to the top of our climb at the Kaweah Gap(10,700'). From the gap we got killer views of Nine lakes basin, Black Kaweah, and the Big Arroyo of which we were about to descend into. After a break at the gap we dropped into the Big arroyo, a huge wide canyon with the Kaweahs rising up to the east and the Great Western divide to the west. We headed down to the junction with the Little 5 Lakes trail where there are some old cabins and some nice camp spots by the creek. We had met another group of hikers up on the Kaweah gap that were also hiking the HST and they ended up camping near us that night. We hung out and told stories and even played some frisbee with a "light up" frisbee. We all had dinner together and enjoyed each others company.

601538_476287862402357_746511187_n.jpg Valhalla from the switchbacks

A cave on the trail

hamilton.jpg Overlooking Hamilton lake

156636_476288005735676_1072379165_n.jpg Lower Precipice lake

1075_476286485735828_1838539852_n.jpg Precipice lake

185001_476288082402335_431279183_n.jpg Big Arroyo

302222_476288112402332_1431275777_n.jpg Big Arroyo

285689_476288135735663_1013249390_n.jpg Old cabins

404621_476288242402319_1986146187_n.jpg Trout fishing in Big Arroyo

Day - 4
From our camp by Big Aroyyo we climbed up pretty gradually onto the Chagoopa Plateau. We had incredible views over the Big Arroyo and out at the Great Western divide. We hiked across the plateau through some beautiful meadows where there were really great views up towards Mt. Kaweah. From there the HST actually splits into 2 different routes. We decided to take the longer route which visited Moraine Lake. We found a great spot to camp by the lake and we still had plenty of time to relax and swim and really enjoy the lake. I tried a little fishing, but no success.

486979_476296725734804_1019978001_n-1.jpg Views from Big Arroyo

564846_476296935734783_1283113247_n.jpg Mt. Kaweah

74801_476296979068112_1579206406_n.jpg Moraine lake

480369_476297072401436_17831869_n.jpg Campsite at Moraine lake

525773_476297172401426_1897608442_n.jpg Panorama shot at Moraine Lake

Day 5 -
We woke up in the morning to a beautiful morning reflection on Moraine lake. We packed up camp and continued across the Chagoopa plateau passing through the beautiful Sky Parlor meadow. We then began our descent down into the Kern canyon. Kern canyon is a massive canyon with huge granite walls. It runs almost perfectly straight from north to south and has a big wide bottom where the Kern river runs. Dropping down we got excellent views over the canyon and even our first sights of Mt. Whitney. Once down in the bottom we headed up river. We crossed Chagoopa creek and got some nice views up at Chagoopa falls cascading over 1,000 feet from the rim down to the canyon bottom. We continued up river, crossed the river at the bridge, and then continued up to the Kern Hot springs. We setup our camp near the springs and did some soaking in the springs before making dinner and wrapping up for the night.

522808_476297212401422_227590281_n.jpg Morning reflection on Moraine lake

525104_476297425734734_2059533204_n.jpg The Great Western Divide from Sky Parlor meadow

3409_476297602401383_782606327_n.jpg Dropping into Kern Canyon

Kern canyon

Chagoopa Falls

Kern river

481004_476297895734687_345821232_n.jpg Kern Canyon

60220_476298129067997_2025882055_n.jpg Deer grazing near the Kern Hot Springs

Day 6 -
On the sixth day we took a zero day and stayed at Kern Hot springs. I spent the morning exploring up Rock creek canyon. It was super rugged and I couldn't get nearly as far up as I had wanted to, but it was a fun little adventure. Then I spent the afternoon trout fishing and swimming in the river and spent the evening relaxing in the Hot springs again. It is a really nice area and I'm really glad we decided to spend the extra time there.

Rock creek canyon

Kern Canyon

Kern Canyon

255490_476325782398565_1089797257_n.jpg Blake with a Rubber Boa

548615_476325812398562_1995182103_n.jpg Soaking in the hot springs

Day 7 -
We packed up our camp and headed up the canyon. All day we hiked alongside the Kern river just dwarfed by the huge cliffs on both sides of the canyon. We hiked up through Junction meadow and found a nice spot to camp right near the junction where we would be leaving the river. We setup camp and did a little exploring around and found some cool old cabin ruins. We did some swimming and fishing and enjoyed our last night by the river.

527817_476325929065217_1813021582_n.jpg Kern Canyon

577237_476326005731876_1365793740_n.jpg Taking a break at a campsite near Junction meadow

548053_476326139065196_991032000_n.jpg Climbing up above Junction meadow

542226_476326565731820_1772757421_n.jpg Panorama shot looking down Kern canyon

425884_476326342398509_1885526914_n.jpg Cabin ruins

223372_476326369065173_1361202525_n.jpg Kern river

Cotton candy clouds

Day 8 -
The next morning we began the big climb up and out of Kern Canyon. As we climbed up the views just got better and better. We met with the John Muir Trail at Wallace creek. We followed the JMT south through Sandy meadow and then east to Crabtree meadow where we began our climb up the backside of Mt. Whitney. We climbed up passed Timberline lake to Guitar lake. The lake is really actually shaped like a guitar! We made our camp just above the lake and just kicked back and got ourselves ready for the big climb to the summit the next day!

552246_476369325727544_1387588139_n.jpg Climbing up and out of Kern canyon

Climbing out of Kern canyon

576279_476369665727510_937269006_n.jpg Deer in the meadow by Wallace creek

58751_476369709060839_251043059_n.jpg Looking north to the Bighorn plateau and Tawny point

31013_476369889060821_1700474611_n.jpg The Kaweah range from Sandy meadow

522966_476369972394146_2071174302_n.jpg Crabtree meadows

199528_476370032394140_1882353052_n.jpg Deer grazing at Crabtree meadows

554060_476370145727462_297549510_n.jpg Timberline lake

155151_476370239060786_1698737710_n.jpg Overlooking Timberline lake

576977_476370269060783_1248324593_n.jpg The west face of Mt. Whitney

189328_476370402394103_122314878_n.jpg Climbing up to Guitar lake

397351_476370452394098_260851308_n.jpg Picking our camp spot

552297_476370472394096_1687420014_n.jpg Camping above Guitar lake


Day 9 -
This was the big day. We were gonna climb Mt. Whiney the highest peak in the Sierra Nevada at 14,505'! We got started early and made the rocky climb up to Trail Crest junction. We stashed our full packs there and just took what we needed for the last few miles up to the summit. Climbing up it got really windy, but didn't end up being to bad on top. The views from the summit were just incredible! Huge views in every direction. We hung out and enjoyed the summit for awhile and signed in the register. Then we made our way back down and picked up our packs and headed over Trail crest and down all the switchbacks to Trail camp where we setup our final camp just up above Consultation lake. I did some fishing in the lake and found some nice size rainbow trout. Then I headed back up to camp for our last night on the trail.

545309_476381719059638_1653145514_n.jpg Guitar lake

581598_476381732392970_2093028192_n.jpg Starting the climb up Mt. Whitney

310266_476381899059620_347111153_n.jpg Climbing up higher

On the summit of Mt. Whitney

The Kaweahs and Kern canyon from Mt. Whitney

534277_476382182392925_973277237_n.jpg Looking way down at Guitar lake

398361_476382209059589_1729657311_n.jpg Trail Crest

564392_476382242392919_134011843_n.jpg Crossing over Trail Crest

Mt. Muir and Mt. Whitney from the east side

Trail Camp

578584_476382535726223_1322624852_n.jpg Consultation lake

314104_476382782392865_732083031_n.jpg Panorama shot of Mt. Whitneys east side

Day 10 -
The final day on the trail. We took our time in the morning. Got packed up and headed down the Whitney portal trail. We hiked passed Mirror lake and Lone Pine lake and on down to the Whitney Portal where we were just in time for lunch and a beer at the Portal store. A great way to wrap up an amazing trip. The pictures do it no justice. These mountains are incredible! If you've been thinking about hiking the High Sierra Trail, do it. You won't regret it, it's a lifetime experience you will never forget.

Morning light on Mt. Whitney and Wotans Throne

Thor peak towering over Mirror lake

Outpost falls

560544_476383249059485_1913590515_n.jpg Overlooking the Whitney Portal

261896_476383472392796_604951347_n.jpg Views from the Whiney Portal trail

384510_476382879059522_986191339_n.jpg At the Whitney Portal after an incredible adventure

Thanks for reading!!

Youtube video -



Nice post

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

If you can and want to do it, include the text of the first chapter into here, it wouldnt be plagiarizing because it is your own content. If you make it a whole post, a complete post if you may I can definitely nominate this for @ocd curation trail. It has a very high chance of hitting the compilation list my friend.

Make it a one post sort of deal if you may and i´ll nominate this for thursday´s contest :D

Ok. I'll do that right now.

It is now all one long post. Thank you for your help!

Do you think I should delete the "part 1" post now or just leave it?

No just leave it, we don´t want misunderstandings, in @ocd we strive for transparency, just clarify that you want to make a complete post hence decided to include part 1 :D

The Sierra Nevada mountains are incredibly beautiful.

Amazing place.. great view

It truly is an amazing place.

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