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RE: Hello from Ventura Beach, California!

in #photography6 years ago

Right now, a little California sunshine sounds quite appealing... hope you guys have a great time!

On the topic of "Bitcoin in the news," here's one for you: I'm driving home from work this evening, listening to my usual alt. rock radio station out of Victoria, BC... DJ gets to reading a bit of news...

"... in business news, the cryptocurrency markets took a dive yesterday with Bitcoin leading the way, but for those of you who have been following this for a while, you'll know this is NOT an unusual occurrence. The question is, will the market bounce back, yet again? And if you haven't checked it out, you really should as this is sure to become the way our generation will handle money. Meanwhile, in sports..."

It was just so... almost surreal... that I wasn't even sure I'd heard what I just heard. But I had. What's more, he said "cryptocurrencies," not just "Bitcoin"


Hah! That's amazing. I've been hearing similar things because Corinne's parents have the news on all the time (normally I rarely watch mainstream news). It's just so strange to hear some people talking about it who actually know what they are talking about! One guy, when asked what he's doing, talked about how he bought the dip around $11k! Impressive. :)

It was "a moment," for sure. The only time I listen to commercial ANYthing is that 15 minutes to and from work.

Feels like 2017 was the year where cryptos went from purely being "Monopoly money for nerds" to something more tangible. And, as you said, people who know something are now part of the dialogue. And the default setting is no longer "oh, it's just a scam!"

But it also made me think of how quite a few (many?) of us who live inside the cryptosphere perhaps become really focused and end up creating our own little echochambers... where we don't get exposed to what the "outside world thinks" very often.

Example: I try to pitch Steemit to fellow content creators because I know it's awesome... but it's an uphill battle. Maybe I should start simply asking people what they know about "digital money" and simply listen to their concerns.

That is awesome to hear. The money section of our local paper did a story this week about TD Ameritrade offering futures. The author referred to bitcoin as a fad and a "mysterious" cryptocurrency.

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