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RE: The Day After the Winter Solstice

in #photography7 years ago

Beautiful photos... make me feel slightly nostalgic. The last few days of school before Christmas break, it would be dark when we got on the bus in the morning, and dark when we got off in the afternoon. Not as far north now, but the days are still short and murky...

There IS something slightly magical about days where it is snowing and suddenly the sun pokes through; illuminating the world before the wind has blown the loose snow off branches and twigs. Of course, I can't actually LOOK at it-- I have sensitive eyes so they start watering from the brightness, almost immediately. Life...

Anyway, thanks for sharing your lovely surroundings!


It does make you appreciate the light so much more after the dark days.

Oh those bright January days where the sun reflects from the snow, so beautiful and so blinding! I pretty much have to take pictures with my eyes closed and go inside to see what it actually looked liked outside.

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