Flowers and Bee-Looking Flies: Spring Coolly Takes Command

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Winter was long and cold in San Francisco this year, and spring was not able to break the pattern through most of May -- winter actually re-entered for ten days in May, with three big, cold storms and wind blowing large items up and down the streets!

But finally, in the last week or so, and now getting right into June, spring finally has settled in, although the cool foggy summer pattern has emerged early, right on the heels of the lingering cold rain of winter! So: a cool spring this year, low temperatures, lots of gray, little sunshine. It is drizzling and dripping outside now as I write, in the wee hours of Monday morning.

HOWEVER, while sunshine is rare here this year, the moisture has its advantages -- plants are staying green longer and plants like cactuses are in overdrive! This particular cactus of my neighbor has never bloomed so vigorously as it is this year.

So, yesterday, coming home from some post-church shopping, I snapped the above photograph of the gorgeous cactus flower with a little fly in it -- it resembles a bee, but I think that is a fly -- just chilling out and snacking on the flower's abundant pollen! It was still cool and gray today, so insects are still moving kind of slow; normally, I can't walk up on the local flying friends and catch them like this! By the time I dig through my bag for my phone, they are gone! But today was my day to catch spring's magnificence, coming slowly on but at last here, and also another little creature enjoying it!

Bonus nasturtiums, just because spring is beautiful:

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Photo Credits: Deeann D. Mathews, the author


Luv the flowers @deeanndmathews 😍 so happy to see flowers anywhere when spring and summer time (though I can see flowers anytime of the year here in Indonesia) I hope that you can share more of the beauty of summertime in CA😉

Thank you so much -- I have a BIG and growing collection of such photos, and you will see more and more of them as the year goes on!

I just moved to Utah and we are having one of the wettest springs ever recorded here. I love it actually, we moved from rainy Oregon and I grew up in even rainier southeast Alaska, so the cold wet spring has been right up my alley. Plants love the rain, and I love the green :)

BTW I am going to remove my SP delegation from you, I wanted to give you a heads up first - I see you now have enough SP of your own to transact normally on the blockchain, so please don't take this as a slight against you. I delegated to you when you were a newbie in need of help and I am pleased to see you taking root and spreading your leaves here, well established and no longer in dire need of my support. :) Cheers and much love - Carl

I saw the loss before I read this, but I figured that was what you did and I understand! Thank you for supporting me when I really needed help, and doing so for so long!

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