
Good afternoon! (for you) and it's late night here.... I'm sorry, but I don't know how to use!
(I have tried to register on, it's said that my password for will be sent to my e-mail, but I have not yet received it until now....)
You may probably talk here.... ;)

I thought I typed this already, maybe not. Did you get a long message about me making a post about the movie?

I haven't received your long messages.... I cannot log in to (maybe something wrong - will try again.)

I have finally joined But I could not find your long message. I'm trying to learn how to use

It wasn't all that long. And we can just do it on here. Probably not worth going to all that trouble. Hope you can figure it out sometime though.

I would much appreciate if you write your messages here again.... Thanks so much for your kind concern. ;)

p.s. I will try my best to use the shortly for our future conversation, if any.

It's not that important to use Steemitchat, this will do just fine. I just wanted to let you know, I am thinking of putting out a post about what we commented about earlier, making a movie about your post on the beach and the boat. I would do my The Schteinn Report, and do a humor piece on making it into a movie. It would be, of course, a little off-tilted in the humor department. And if I do it, I would like to use your photo of the boat. I have access to the photo on here, so you don't have to do anything. But I like to ask first, and get your permission to use it, and your sister, since it is hers as well. (I figure she won't mind, since she gave it to you for your post, but want to ask). It will reference some of your other post ideas, which will be my usual take on humor as well. Just wanted to let you know to see what you think. Let me know on here...

WOW! It's very great idea! I'm really happy that you choose my pictures for your story! I much appreciate it! And look forward to reading your story with much interest! VERY MUCH EXCITING! ;D

p.s. : It's okay for my sister, she would also be glad about that, for sure! :)

Probably just one picture, maybe two, but also writing, adding things from some other posts of yours. You know my humor, a little 'tilted' now and then. Never know where its going till it gets there. Thanks, glad you like the idea.

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