A WALKWITHME PHOTOSTORY! | Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland in the Countryside with @teamhumble

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

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This morning, after a brief examination of the day's weather forecast, we quickly determined two things...

  1. By sundown it would be BITTER cold, and
  2. We'd need soup and wine....

This is a walk we take at least 3 or 4 times a week to the local shop for supplies, but this time our route was magically transformed. We turned the first corner to cut through the woods and we were both awestruck by this view....


I assure you it was even prettier in real life, it felt like we had stumbled upon our own frozen magic kingdom.

Obviously we got our cameras out because we were feeling ALL OF THE ARTSY...


Who's that mysterious figure!!?


Oh yeah! It's @teamhumble!


So as I said, we intended to walk to the shop...


But we kinda just ended up ice skating there, trying not to wipe out...


Attempting at a "I'm expressing concern for Phil's walking strategy" face while he turns around as if to say... "You coming then!!?"


Falling further behind taking more photos because everything was so uber pretty...


But I soon caught up because @teamhumble had photos to take of his own!


You can see more photos from our walk like this one in his post here!

Success! Neither of us fell, we got some fresh air, some fun photos, grabbed some wine and all the supplies we needed for some homemade chicken soup to stave off the incoming bitter cold this evening...


Thank you for joining me in my very first walkwithme friends I made a promise to @gardeningchef that the next time I went on a walk I'd participate so here we are! I hope you enjoyed!

Until Next Time


My favourites were when @teamhumble is about to sneeze on the camera lens and the eyes/hat only shot. Liked 'em all though - looks like a fun day!

Thanks @overkillcoin! Gotta break up the hours of machine time with something right! Thankfully the two of us are pretty good at having fun in most ordinary situations. I think we were just thankful for the fresh air! ;)

dayle has a way of catching me at the BEST times. lol.

What can i say, it's a gift ;)

I'm loving all the snow pics.. miss the winter sometimes though. Especially around the Holiday Season.

It does make things feel extra magical, but after awhile enough is enough and it's time to start chasing the sun, we were drooling over the temps in portugal for the week!

Hehe... nice and warm here in Cambodia.. come and visit for some vitamin D

yes! I miss the sunshine!! I need to thaw out ;)

Haha! Soup and wine: the essentials.
Nice little walk/skate through Narnia. You guys are hilarious!

Lol thank you! Just about the only things we would have left the van for in 20 degree weather and ice! We certainly enjoyed the trip and sharing it here afterward though haha ;)

Looks just as cold as it is here right now!

It's definitely chilly! Time to bundle up- hope you've got some soup of your own at the ready! <3

Looks magical! Enjoy the soup. Then curl up with a good book and a glass of wine. Perfect winter evening.

We're in full on cozy season for SURE! <3

Hahaha! This post is so cute! I love you guys. The last picture of you is very pretty, you captured you very well. And the one of Phil making its f@$#*ing cold face made me laugh for a while. lol.

I love seeing your world, it is very magical right now. This post was a treat.

Daww thank you! We really were laughing all the way to the shop, gotta make those daily little life moments fun right? Thank you for your kind words, I always feel funny posting "selfies", but im glad you liked it. And yes @teamhumble's face in that shot is the stuff of legends lol

I could only imagine how beautiful that snowy pathway was...I'm so glad you got to experience something so magical while you were out. The soup and wine thing made me laugh :) Thanks for this #walkwithme <3

Of course! It really was stunning, so cool to see your every day scenery transform over night- gotta appreciate the little things right? Thats what I love about the #walkwithme tag, it forces you to appreciate the ordinary !

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