China Journey - More photos to enjoy

in #photography7 years ago

I can't remember what this park was called or what the statue was, but when we came across them, I knew there was something there. If someone knows​ the statue, please remind me.

This was one of those first few days when we were all over the place and saw so many things. I hope you enjoy.




Really Beautiful pictures! @davidmendel

You can google search the image and it'll probably come up! It happens to me a lot that's how I know ;)

That is my phone that I just put in the web. So if your say that this photo is already on the web, that would be incorrect.

I didn't say that. Probably I need to rephrase: Say I'm somewhere, and I take a picture of a view, with my phone. But later I don't remember where that view was. So, I go on google images, I upload my own picture, and usually it traces the place. Is that clearer now? To avoid any misunderstandings, 'cause they're not really my style... ;)

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I understand now. Thanks.

Good! You're welcome ;)

Stunning job my friend! Great contrast!

Stunning!! Delightful scene among the water lilies. Oh, and that lovely graceful statue of the woman looks as though she is holding a cloud!! Perfect timing!!

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