The most backward, primitive and uncivilized entertainment. Talk about the lives of thousands of animals?

in #photography5 years ago

The most backward, primitive and uncivilized entertainment.

Talk about the lives of thousands of animals? About circuses and dolphinariums?

Circus tricks are UNNatural for a wild animal, therefore, of their own free will, simply for a treat, it will NEVER make them.

For example:

In order for the bear to dance “Kalinka” in a funny way, they put it on a metal surface, turn on the music and heat the iron to an unbearable temperature. In order not to burn his paws, the bear has to step over. Reflex is reinforced by not one such lesson. Bears are not very obedient creatures, so they are most often battered by tamers.

Little elephants have been abused since childhood.

Stick with a hook. During the performance in the circus, the hook is masked with a fringe, but the elephant knows that while this stick is in the hands of the tamer, he has power over it. The trainer hits this hook in particularly sensitive places.

Horses that stand and walk on their hind legs are trained by a stun gun.

Tigers jumping over a burning hoop, bears on a bicycle, ice skates. A bunch of examples.

Hunger and fear are the only motivation for a wild beast to obey.

I am scared to see how animals are transported (in the cheapest way), in what conditions they are.

In the 17th year, in winter, dolphins from the Leningrad Dolphinarium were transported from a tour in China, and as a result of the accident, dolphins spent several hours in the snow in five-degree frost. Very often dolphins and beluga whales die due to terrible conditions.

Have you seen animals for photographs, lion cubs, monkeys, etc. on the Black Sea coast? All day they are dragged in their arms in a 30 degree heat. Where do these animals come from? Where do they buy them? Of course, those who acquire them say that they were saved, that the lioness died, the cubs would not have survived, but who killed her? And for what?

To sell some rare animal to the circus and others, poachers kill their mothers and take their cubs. Training begins in childhood and most of the other lives do not know.


At the moment, in Russia in the State Duma there is a bill that prohibits traveling circuses. By the way, parliament has been considering it since 2010


A circus should be limited to trainable animals that want to do the tricks. I grew up with cats. Some kittens were more timid, wild, especially if they don't know you. So, no matter how hard I tried, some cats didn't like me.

Sadly, people end up beating animals. Generally, people are motivated by money, greed, fame. Also, sometimes, it runs in the family and is passed on from generation to generation. So, obviously, people sometimes make bad choices. So, people become obsessive over what they can do. Sometimes, people either don't know or don't care that what they're doing is hurting other animals and other people.

I like zoos, forests, jungles, woods, farms, etc.

You could have dogs in a circus. Maybe dolphins. Maybe some birds. But if you have to beat an animal too much or even at all, they probably should not be in a circus. I guess you could have elephants walk around, as long as you don't abuse them. That's the tough part. Humans can take out their anger on animals. People can have problems with other people. So, people can feel angry, sad, etc. So, they can sometimes vent and take out their emotions and anger on animals. People are not aware of that. People also can beat children, which is also not good.

only flayers train animals.
if they put their relatives in the cage it will be much funnier. I am against circuses with animals!

Yes. Funny indeed.

Even when you remove the use of physical or emotional pain from the equation, the morality in the interaction between humans and other animals is not clear.

Even "humane" training/domestication of animals (such as horses) still produces creatures that are alienated from their own nature. If you have seen the eyes and demeanors of wild horses, as I have, you will be aware of the life and alertness you see. Compare that to the eyes of horses that have been domesticated for "riding" or for farm work.

Although I eat eggs a lot, I try to buy them from free range chickens. I think it is better for my physical health and for my spirit. The same goes for wild caught fish as compared to farmed fish. And, although I am not sure of the morality of "breaking" horses for riding, I have managed to reconcile myself to the fact that I myself have been domesticated by parents and society and I am thus far from being in the natural state of an uncivilized human. Therefore I forgive myself for riding horses :-)

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