TIL: Losing Everything in Your Life Could Be a Good Thing to Be Reminded That Life is Good and Happiness is Here Now

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

I got to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with some family and friends today. These photos here are of an older lady artist I know of which I was admiring. Some people are just so cool.

Beyond the weird bombardment of advertisements and sales pitches being thrown in our faces today, it's nice to be able to have an excuse to come together with people, enjoy company and eat more food than I probably do in a week. Lol.

I also like having the energy to sit and take time to think about what I'm thankful for, because I'm thankful for a lot in my life.

What I've realized is that even if we seem to always live in a world of constant chaos, I am one to believe that most things and people are good. People are good - times are good. We generally don't realize it in the moment, and end up thinking about it by the time the good times have passed.

"You don't know what you got - till it's gone"

Life is good. I'm thankful for my life. I'm actually at the lowest point in my life when it comes to my economy, but I'm actually thankful for my situation because I've been stripped down to the bone, and rather than choosing to feel sad for the things I don't have, I have found I've become more appreciative for the things in life that I do have. I've actually become a happier person over these months - and I feel this sense of good things are flowing into my life...

"Energy flows where attention goes..."

I want to thank the good people I've been meeting these past months here on Steemit, as well as out into the world of all things Crypto. I purged myself from some people for good some 8 months ago, and even though the consequences of doing so has financially left me in a place I've never been before, I am building new things with new people who have hearts of gold - it's only been a pleasure and an honor.

Thank you, everyone. Much love!

Thanks for any upvotes/steem/reblogs/steem dollars/comments/follows!


Very beautiful post, thanks for the insight. My father usually says: "Life is like stock exchange. After having fallen down there is just growth to be exptected." Good luck (also for that food marathon :-))!
Upvoted and following.

I have gained the greatest knowledge when I have suffered most. Because I've had nothing I appreciate the smallest things.

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