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RE: Hello from Ventura Beach, California!

in #photography6 years ago

Do you miss living in the CA?
Nice you have Corrines family there so you can at least get a taste of it once on a while.

The nativity scene was pretty awesome. Surprise some young punks haven't knocked it over.


Man, I miss it so much. We considered moving back a while ago, but the cost of living is just so high. Maybe someday if cryptocurrency keeps going up, we might reconsider. Part of me thinks if I'm going to move, I'd like to move outside of the U.S.

I have some family here as well with my sister and brothers. We'll be hanging out with them on Christmas and a few other days sprinkled around. We're going sailing together on the 26th as well.

Yeah, I was worried my son might be one of those young punks. Thankfully he resisted the urge.

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